Of course, as handbag lovers we love bags of every size, shape. But when it comes to brand, there’s always one brand that always holds #1 in your heart. Celebrities are no exception. Even though celebs get offered fabulous designer bags from the most prestigious fashion houses, they still have their die-hard favorites. We’ve seen celebs who have huge Hermes obsessions and celebs who pledge their loyalty to Team Chanel. Today, let’s take a look at some of the Saint Laurent lovin’ celebs.
Enjoy the eye candy below and see which stars simply love Saint Laurent…
Lucy Hale

Saint Laurent Sac de Jour Bag
Miranda Kerr

Saint Laurent Tote Bag

Saint Laurent Cabas Y Tote

Saint Laurent Monogram Chain Wallet
Jessica Chastain

Saint Laurent Monogram Universite Bag
January Jones

Saint Laurent Cabas Y Tote
Are you loving Saint Laurent yet?!
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Updated: May 27th, 2017