As handbag lovers, we are always looking to build our collections and find bags that we simply love to no end. However, acquiring the perfect bags is no easy task , which often results in endless wish lists and bag fantasies. At the top of your long term wish list is the “Holy Grail Bag” or HGB. A Holy Grail Bag is a bag that you desire intensely and that is your “end all be all” bag, but is hard to attain. Over the past few years especially, the Hermes Birkin bag has come to be associated with the ultimate Holy Grail bag. Undoubtedly, the Birkin is one the most well constructed and aesthetically pleasing bags in history. However, from an objective standpoint, the Birkin craze is indeed hard to grasp overall.
PurseBop asks WHY Birkin? How does the Birkin manage to become the ultimate HGB for almost every fashionista?
We can only speculate, but read the reasons below to find out why the Birkin effortlessly wins so many hearts…

@panthere_instyle, @yanina_lecristal, @baubles_bybb, @happybaggage, @swedishandstylish, @nadjasnowflake, @pursebop, @orangekissed, @leorangebliss
1. The Birkin is the epitome of luxury
To many outside the handbag world, the word “Birkin” has more weight than “Hermes” because the bag itself is a huge icon. However, the Birkin was only able to become THE Birkin because it was an incredible Hermes’ masterpiece. Birkins are handmade and put through rigorous craftsmanship and quality control processes. Perfection is the main idea behind a Birkin, and it’s hard not to lust after something that is considered the best and incomparable to its peer.

2. The Birkin leaves us breathless
The very look of the Birkin defines the picture perfect dream bag for most. It is classic, but timelessly flattering and chic. The B’s clean silhouette, in combination with rich, vivid materials and colors, creates an effect of awe every time. The Birkin is easily a HGB because it makes an effective statement and fits our ideal expectations of a handbag.

3. We are consumed by the "Birkin Culture"
The Birkin has become the bag to strive for due to the influence of mass media. Many celebrities show their appreciation for the Birkin everyday, which creates an even bigger bandwagon effect. TV shows and songs portray the B as impossible to get. It is glamorized as the marker of everything good about living the luxury life.

4. The Birkin is a fashion unicorn - highly mysterious and intriguing
With limited availability and high price tags, getting a hold of an elusive B can sometimes seem more like a fairy tale than reality. Hermes maintains the image that the Birkin is a distantly beautiful, unattainable marvel. Learning about stock of a Birkin from an SA is a privileged or fateful opportunity. In addition, exact prices of bags are not directly available from the Hermes website or by phone. Without additional resources or in-person experience, getting a fuller idea of the significance of Birkin can be difficult. Being offered a Birkin and purchasing one makes you feel like you’ve discovered Hermes secret magic.

5. Winning the Birkin battle is an accomplisment within itself
Deciding on the perfect Birkin and the finding it can be a lengthy process, and sometimes a challenge you must persevere through. Researching the bags and developing a relationship with an SA is like gearing up for a game almost! Unfortunately, the Birkin game has high financial stakes, but low odds. Achieving victory with a Birkin doesn’t come without effort, and the bag itself is a marker for that.

6. We need the golden 'H' stamp
To some extent, owning a Birkin is seen as a status symbol of exclusivity. The Hermes logo itself is a factor, but the legacy and reputation of the bag is the biggest part of it’s appeal. Acquiring your HGB Birkin makes you feel lucky enough to represent a bag that so many fashionistas have beautifully pulled off in the past.

7. It's an investment!
Hermes Birkin bags hold their value spectacularly. On the second hand market, they tend to sell for even more due to preferred color and leather combinations being rare. The Birkin is on a lot of people’s HBG list because it seems like a smart, “can’t go wrong purchase”. Aside from monetary value, buying a quality bag that amps up your confidence and aesthetic is a long term investment. Having one amazing item that transforms your look and gives off the right impression better equips you to grow professionally, socially, and personally.

8. The Birkin is more than just a bag
All the aforementioned facts from the quality, to the popularity, to the stunning design, and even to the involved nature of choosing a B, help elevate the Birkin to a level beyond a simple “leather accessory”. Carrying a Birkin becomes an experience, and for some, the Birkin is an important aspect of their fashion lifestyle. The Birkin characterizes the essence of a Holy Grail Bag because it’s proven time and time again to live up to its impeccable reputation. Being able to experience the paragon of luxury through an exquisite handbag becomes a vision, goal, and dream for many fashionistas.

So, PurseBop must know: what is your HGB? Has the Birkin ever made it on your Holy Grail Bag list? Click HERE to answer and join the conversation BopTalk.
Love PurseBop
Updated: May 28th, 2017
5 Responses to “The Hermes Birkin – The Ultimate Holy Grail Bag”
WOW, hard to disagree that the B is the HGB after reading this post hahahaha but I still think it will only become a HGB once I have my Boy bag hahaha (sorry, the Boy just never leaves my head)… what I mean to say is, I prefer to keep it real, why make a bag my HGB if I can´t buy it anytime soon, or later? I´ll only be torturing myself… the Boy already drives me crazy enough, and it´s half the price of a B. So for now until who knows when (and I´m not in a hurry) I´ll stick with my particular HGB ;) I know, I´m a rebel hahahahaha
Interesting fact
Check out my Hermes Birkin 35 ETOUPE Color, an amazing neutral color ????
Check out my new BIRKIN 25, super lightweight ????
Check out my new Hermes BIRKIN 30 BLACK CROC, amazing shiny finish ????