Hermes and Chanel rule in the bag world and are easily two of the most popular brands in the fashion industry. Speaking financially, Hermes and Chanel have been reported as the best bag investments. Bag aficionados often list Hermes and Chanel bags as their ultimate holy grail bag choices because these brands create some of the most aspirational, unique, and not to mention, most expensive bags available.
It might be easy to pick Hermes and Chanel as some of your favorite brands, but can you truly choose between the actual bags in each collection?? Now, that’s a much harder dilemma…Today, PurseBop gives you this very challenge: the Hermes vs. Chanel FACEOFF!
First, imagine yourself in a completely hypothetical shopping scenario of choosing between a Hermes bag versus a Chanel Bag. Down below, we’ve paired a few H vs. CC combinations to stir your brain. Out of the two listed, pick which bag you like the best or would buy given the options available. Remember, this quiz is completely for fun and to get a sense of our community’s bag preferences. Also remember, do not base your vote on the attributes of the pictures used in this post – instead, use the pictures below as a reference for each style.
Now, it’s time to get voting!!
*Note: the window will reload after you submit an answer for each question. To complete all the questions, simply scroll down again after the page has refreshed.
Hermes Garden Party Tote vs. Chanel Grand Shopping Tote
Let’s start off with totes! The Garden Party Tote and Grand Shopping Tote (GST) work well as basic, everyday totes. Both totes are immensely popular due to their usefulness and relatively inexpensive price points compared to other bags in the Hermes and Chanel lines. Out of the two, which do you fancy??
Read more about the Hermes Garden Party Tote in our Hermes 101: The Garden Party Tote feature
Shoulder Bags
Hermes Constance vs. Chanel Classic Flap
An elegant shoulder bag is an essential part of any handbag collection. The Constance and the Classic Flap both have a very similar concept. They are flap bags that highlight their brand’s emblems front and center while still looking sophisticated. What’s your pick?
Read more about the Hermes Constance in our Hermes 101: The Constance Bag feature
Read more about the Chanel Classic Flap in Chanel 101 and our Chanel Classic feature
Satchel Bags
Hermes Kelly vs. Chanel Coco Handle
The Hermes Kelly bag and Chanel Coco Handle are both satchel bags that have a very feminine look. Both bags can be stylized to work with more dressed up or dressed down looks. The Kelly bag was created first, and it seems like the Coco Handle takes a bit of influence from the Kelly bag. Both bags are indeed very similar, but would you go Kelly or Coco?
Read more about the Hermes Kelly in Hermes 101: Birkin vs. Kelly and the Hermes Kelly Encyclopedia feature
Read a special reveal on the Chanel Coco Handle and see why it might just be a dupe for the Hermes Kelly
Hermes Kelly Cut vs. Chanel Timeless Clutch
Say you’re in need of a great clutch for formal occasions, would you seek out Hermes or Chanel? Both brands offer great options like the Kelly Cut and the Timeless Clutch respectively. These two clutches have different looks and different vibes, but if you had to choose, what would be your pick?
Read more on Hermes Clutches in our Hermes Clutch Review and in our Hermes Kelly Cut reference guide
Crowd Favorites
Hermes Evelyne vs. Chanel Boy Bag
Yes, the Evelyne and the Boy Bag are two very different styles of bags. However, what they do share in common is their huge appeal! People just seem to love these two bags,and they could both be considered “it” bags in the sense that they’re highly sought after. If you had to choose in this case, would you go with the Evelyne or the Boy Bag?
Read more about the Chanel Boy Bag in Chanel 101 and our Chanel Boy Bag Reference Guide
Casual Pick
Hermes Jige vs. Chanel Wallet on Chain
The Hermes Jige and Chanel WOC are both smaller bags that lean more towards the casual side. Who wins in this case for you, Hermes or Chanel?
Read more on Hermes Clutches like the Hermes Jige in our Hermes Clutch Review
Read more about the Chanel Wallet on Chain with eye candy in our WOC feature and see a full Chanel WOC review in our Wallet on Chain comparison
Special Pick
Limited Edition Chanel Bag vs. Exotic Hermes Clutch
In general, limited edition and exotic bags can be very hard to attain and are considered to be collector’s items. If you were looking for that one special, stunning bag, would you go with a limited edition Chanel piece (from any season) or an exotic Hermes clutch (any)? In this example, we use the Chanel Bottle Bag and exotic Kelly Pochette, but feel free to consider any other limited edition Chanel piece or exotic Hermes clutch for your answer!
Visit PurseBop’s special reveal of the Chanel Bottle Bag
Read more on Hermes Clutches like the Kelly Pochette in our Hermes Clutch Review
Top of the Line
Hermes Birkin vs. Chanel Maxi Classic Flap
The Birkin is one of Hermes’ most exclusive, coveted, and costly bags. Likewise, the Classic Flap is Chanel’s most iconic, desired bag and the maxi size is the most expensive in the range. If we’re considering these bags as each brand’s top of the line, “flagship” bag, which would you ultimately choose?
Read more about the Hermes Birkin in Hermes 101: Birkin vs. Kelly
Read more about the Chanel Classic Flap in Chanel 101
Hope you enjoyed this Hermes vs. Chanel Faceoff! Did you have trouble choosing between any of the pairs?
Read related articles below:
Quiz Time: What’s Your Bag Attitude?
The Chanel Poll – Tell Us Your Favorites!
If you had $3000, What Bag Would You Buy?
Part 2: The Results – The Bags YOU Really Prefer
Should a bag be an investment?
No More Than 10 Bags?!
Who are We To Judge?
Love PurseBop
Updated: May 27th, 2017
9 Responses to “Quiz Time: Hermes vs. Chanel FACEOFF”
I had a lot of fun doing it! Love your quizzes!! I fit right in ????????????❤️
Fun quiz. Love the Hermes and Chanel bags on here.
So happy to see my Evelyne in this quiz!!
There, all voted ❤️???? It seem most of us think alike ????????????????
I totally agree!????
Yes we are all on the same page!!
Just did this fun quiz again… don’t think my taste changed ????❤️????
It was definitely a hard choice between the constance and the classic flap
3 times is a charm, just took the quiz again ???? Love myself some quiz moments ????❤️????