Chanel Cast takes a Bow…

The cast from the theatre production “Karlito’s Homecoming”
takes the stage…

In order of appearance from left to right we have:
Blue Beauty
Miss Fuchsia Frenzy
Mrs True Blue RED
(the crowd cheers)


The next trio of performers step out and take a gracious long paused bow…
Ms.Mirror Mirror
Miss Vegas
(the roar of claps fill the air)


then nominated best supporting actor and actress:
Orange ThunderBolt & Miss CinderLego…


and all together now…the audience gives them a robust standing ovation!


and when our lead actor Monsieur Karlito takes the stage…

The Chanel Cast takes a bow

the crowd goes wild…BRAVO BRAVO!!



Love PurseBop

#BopwithKARLITO & #PurseBopsWeekendBags
@pursebop instagram

Published: November 10th, 2014
Updated: May 19th, 2017

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2 Responses to “Chanel Cast takes a Bow…”

  • If you ever get tired of any channel bag or any bag. I would luv to rock it for you. I will take any hand me downs anytime♡♡♡♡ o ogling with envy:)))) someday I will have one. Your so blessed

  • this is – seriously – the best looking collection i’ve ever seen. my dream collection!