Nothing compares to an exotic leather Hermès handbag. Representing luxury in the highest form, these aren’t just handbags, they truly are works of fine art.
It seems a regular occurrence that we receive reports from the luxury community about how difficult it is to obtain an exotic piece from Hermès. Not only are exotic handbags hard to come by, but even purchasing a wallet can feel like an impossible task. Recently, we heard that even longtime clients of the brand are no longer being offered exotic skin options for special order bags. Then there are those ultra-VVIPs being offered the brand new crocodile Birkin 20. (One can dream!)
See: OMG, Move Over Mini Kelly, the Birkin 20 is Here
Well, the wait is over for us, regular folks… you can finally get the croc, gator or ostrich Hermès handbag of your dreams. And you don’t have to be Jennifer Lopez on a Paris honeymoon to get these bags.
We’ve already placed our bids and wanted to share our favorites at Heritage Auctions with you. Don’t forget to register to bid online here. Maybe you’ll find yourself the lucky owner of a rare exotic piece…sooner than you’d originally have thought.
That’s not all, all of these magnificent handbags will be on preview for you to touch and see in NYC on May 2nd from 6 – 8pm at Heritage Auctions located at 445 Park Avenue, New York, NY. You can email [email protected] to reserve your spot.
You’ll see that we have also listed the current bid for each bag. That allows you to track the bags and maybe even hunt for that hidden steal. Bookmark your favorites and follow along, whether you are a first timer or a seasoned bidder.
The Crown Jewel
Meet the world’s most rare handbag – the Hermès Himalayan.
Without a doubt the holy grail.
The elusive Hermès Himalayan Diamond Kelly is the most exotic of them all. Crafted in pearly white Niloticus crocodile hide, and adorned with diamond encrusted 18K white gold hardware – this surely is the crown jewel.
On Wednesdays, We Wear Croc
Hermès is famed for its use of exotic leathers, creating some of the most luxurious handbags on the luxury market. Most certainly statement pieces, these Crocodile beauties are no shrinking violets. With spring now here and summer on its way, there’s no better time to embrace bright colors. Pink has always been a favorite at PurseBop, and they’re a worthwhile investment too! These stunning pops of color really pack a punch – the ultimate summer companion.
Now we all love the Hermès Kelly Pochette, but could this perhaps be the most stylish clutch out there? The Shiny Rose Scheherazade Porosus Crocodile Kelly is sure to turn heads.
Your Daily Greens… and Blues
Green with envy? I know we are! While bright bold colors may not be to everyone’s taste, green and blue tones can easily compliment any wardrobe. These beautiful classics from Hermès have been reimaged in head-turning exotic leathers.
The Neutralista Girlie
Gold immediately springs to mind when we think of Hermès. A firm favorite (for a reason), the honey-colored tones are a classic. While the striking pops of jewel-tone colors make for a striking look, it is no secret that the neutrals remain timeless. An exotic lover’s dream, these neutral-toned pieces are truly a work of Hermès art and a testament to their craftsmanship. Perfect for those neutral lovers looking to add a touch of exotic to their existing handbag collection, these pieces are a refreshing alternative to classic leathers.
More Eye Candy
Are exotic skins not your thing? There’s so many other handbags available at the upcoming auction. Take a look at some of our picks.
Now you don’t have to be an exotics lover to appreciate the impeccable Hermès craftsmanship. With so many bag styles, sizes, and leather variations to choose one, there is a Hermès bag for every wardrobe.
Our top pick is without a doubt one of the rarest – the So Black Box Calf Leather Kelly Pochette, is a true example of understated luxury. Introduced in the Jean Paul Gaultier era in 2020, Hermès ‘So Black’ remains a firm favorite. This highly coveted piece features stunning Box Calf leather and So Black PVD hardware. It’s a match made in heaven!
How to Bid on the Auction
Great news! You do NOT have to be physically at the auction to bid. You can make your selections from the convenience of your own home or on your fabulous spring vacation– anytime until Thursday, May 4 at 11:50 AM EST. But, don’t wait until the last minute to get started. Below are the steps for getting into the action.
First, create an account at Heritage Auctions here.
It’s a two minute, super easy registration process that allows you to login with your Google, YahooMail, Facebook, Apple ID, or PayPal account. The latter is the quickest option.
Second, click on this auction page for access to all of the handbags.
Next, select the item that you want, enter in your bid, and click the button “Place Bid”.
Then, you will be taken to a page titled “Please Confirm Your Bid”. This page will show you the name of the item you’re bidding on, the current bid, and the maximum bid. When you are satisfied with your bid, click on the button marked “Confirm Bid”.
If your bid is the current high bid, you will be notified and given some information on what might happen with your bid over the remainder of the auction. You will also receive a Bid Confirmation notice via email. If your bid is not the current high bid, you will be taken to a page that will notify you of that fact and allow you to place another bid.
For additional information, please visit Heritage Auctions Bidding Tutorial.
Now, suppose you don’t see what you’re quite looking for in this auction. No need to stop looking. In fact, don’t. Heritage Auctions has its very own handbag boutique brimming with beautiful and exclusive purses all year long. Visit here for the hottest selections.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out – we’ll do our best to help or get you connected to the right team member at Heritage Auctions. Happy bidding!
Updated: April 26th, 2023