Remember the dreamy story of Springtime shopping in Paris? Remember our very first BopTalk Celebrity? and do you remember her mouthwatering images of Parisian treasures…
I had the distinct privilege of sharing an afternoon chatting, shopping and asking all the nitty gritty, but OH so exciting details with our BopTalk Celebrity DreamingofH. The magic from our PurseBop pages all came to life as she vividly recounted her shopping escapades. I’ll share a few shots of our adventures yesterday…

We met up first at Hermes to do a little ‘sight seeing’. I had my eyes on Bamboo – the perfect color green I’ve been obsessed with recently. @DreamingofH took to admiring the new Ikat China pattern. Of course, she couldn’t resist the temptation and took home a beautiful breakfast cup and saucer.

At lunch, I got all the details on her Hermes Paris trip. I asked questions upon questions: How many times did you visit the store? Did you use the same SA each time? How long did you have to wait? Were you completely head over heels when you saw the Kelly?
I left with many tips for those hoping to travel to Paris for H. Below is her wonderful advice quoted directly:
1. Be nice! This is paramount. No one wants to deal with an entitled shopper.
2. Know a bit of what you want. Color preferences, size preferences, are helpful to narrow the scope of what you want. It also shows you know a bit of what you’re talking about. See #3.
3. Show knowledge. If you love the brand, show it! Ask for specific colors (Rouge Casaque instead of Red, Covert instead of Blue, Etain instead of Grey, etc etc)
4. Don’t give up! I travelled to the store 4 times before I was offered my dreamy Rouge Casaque beauty.
5. If you love the SA you get on your first visit, ask for a card! This way, when you return, the person manning the queue can call your SA and you will not have to wait in line.
6. Last but of course most important, have fun! It’s Paris after all. Even if your dream bag doesn’t follow you home this trip, enjoy the store, the sights, and all your experiences in Paris!

Our matching baggies… Special order B30 Anemone Chèvre, Blue Izmir interior, PHW & K32 Amemone Sellier Epsom GHW and Karlito iPhone case cover.

Naturally, I had another big question: Has Dreaming of H gone Kelly crazy?? As it turns out, @DreamingofH is a proud member of our #PurseBopsGoneKelly crazy movement.
“Absolutely! The shoulder strap is a life changer for me in the world of H bags. Although the Kelly is harder to get in and out of, the ability to just throw it over your shoulder or carry it hand held leave the Kelly open to both casual and dressy looks.”
She hopes to add a 28 cm Kelly to her collection. I’m sensing another trip to Paris!?
I did pose one Chanel question to DreamingofH. I knew earlier this spring her heart was fluttering for a beautiful pink lamb Boy bag. Did you consider hunting down the Chanel Boy you loved?

“Quite honestly, I deliberated. Although I did visit the famous Cambon store, knowing that they had just increased their European prices to nearly match those here in the US, it didn’t seem prudent to use my spending budget towards something I could get for nearly the same price at home. “
It has been such an honor to have @DreamingofH as our first BopTalk celebrity. Her amazing pictures and detailed shopping narrative truly created a place for informative, fashion conversation. Shopping for luxury handbags and accessories is a somewhat challenging task that needs a lot of research and reference points. Considering color and style options is a large part of the process, which IG fashionistas help us with through their stunning eye candy and advice.

However, as we’ve discussed recently at, brand financial moves and pricing schemes also impact our shopping decisions. Chanel harmonized prices globally by increasing prices in Europe and decreasing prices in Asia due to the depreciation of the euro and future plans to launch an E-Commerce platform. Despite changes in the euro, Hermes declined to follow Chanel’s lead with price shifts in order to maintain customer loyalty on the European front.
Chanel Coverage
- Chanel Adopts New Pricing Scheme
- Global Price Implications on Chanel Street (price details included)
- Plans for Chanel E-Commerece – Imagine Ordering a Chance Jumbo online?
Hermes Coverage

The stakes of savings have changed based on brand and region, which is reflected in the real life experiences of @DreamingofH and my dear friend Elizabeth. To follow the details of these price changes and get a better idea of the consequences, explore our stories below:
Personal Stories

Special thanks to dear friend and BopTalk Celebrity Dreaming of H… I look forward to many more shared shopping escapades together!
Love PurseBop
Updated: May 18th, 2017
1 Responses to “Pursebop Meets BopTalk Celebrity @DreamingofH”
How lovely that you two beautiful fashionistas met in real life!!! so cool that you were matchy match on bags (and what bags…drop dead gorgeous) and shoe brand, pretty sure every one stopped and stared at you when you passed by ;)! loved the interview and the advice!!! thanks for sharing this great post M.!!! and I also must say: WHAT A BOY!!!!! dead again hahahaha