About a month ago I turned down an ombre lizard cdc with gold hardware and I’ve been kicking myself ever since, lol. CDC’s are just one of my many obsessions what is yours?
- swedishandstylish posted 10 years ago
- last edited 9 years ago
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Hi ladies, I have just added an exotic CDC to my collection which has only served to fuel my CDC obsession even more. It is an alligator in the color Violet and is so pretty in real life. I hope this is the start of a few more coming my way!
- Stylish Sheba replied 10 years ago
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I recently turned down a stunning BE Croc small scales CDC PHW, if only it had GHW I wouldn’t of even had to think for a second about buying it but I still regret it a little bit :(
Not a CDC but the CDC buckle & a rivale in cappucine.
- hermesbaglover replied 10 years ago
Forgot to say your collection is amazing!!
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Beautiful cdc collection!!! I can never say no to beautiful cdc! I have few on my wish list still, such as BE and BI croc with PHW!!!!
- panthere55 replied 10 years ago
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Here’s my CDC collection! Definitely still need more to complete it!
- Catherine Le replied 10 years ago
- Fantastic collection Catherine Le & welcome to BopTalk fest friend ?
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Very nice collection everyone! I only have one CDC for now – Craie Swift RGHW….hoping to add more in the future :)
- purse_melody replied 10 years ago
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U have such an amazing collection of everything !! Love ur cdc’s !! ????❤️
- Geminiigirl__18__ replied 10 years ago
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Gorgeous collections everyone! CDCs are also my obsession along with Kelly dogs though I can’t seem to find those haha
- panthere55 replied 10 years ago
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CDCs are also one of my new obsessions, particularly with the new Rose Gold hardware. I would love to add an exotic to my collection but they seem to be very difficult to come by!
- Stylish Sheba replied 10 years ago
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BirkinBabe this one is for you.
Top Left: Craie swift RGHW; Right: Maiz matte gator PHW
Bottom Left: Sable swift GHW; Right: White epsom GHW
- LeOrangeBliss replied 10 years ago
- This is tooooooooo much LeOrangeBliss, how do you even pick? Do you wear a different one everyday? Your collection is beyond amazing. Thank you for sharing, and please keep all your amazing pics coming!
- LOL thank you :) I choose the one that best goes with my outfit… I have been known to wear 2 CDCs at a time on the same wrist ::shame:: And yes I wear one almost every time I go out…
- These are all so gorgeous, and you know that I have a Craie with RG in my collection because of you :)
- look at these beauties!!!! DEAD!!!!
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My obsession of the month has been the chanel boy bag! However, after seeing yall’s CDC masterpieces I may need to add another obsession to the list LOL
- xxChanelplz replied 10 years ago
- LOL be forewarned, it’s addictive once you start!!
- I hear you on the obssession with Boy bags xxChanelpz, I’ve been obssessed with them ever since the first collection… And now LeOrangebliss and Swedishandstylish are making me go crazy about CDC too LOL!
- Patiev, you know what they say… once you start :D
- I’m a bit obsessed with boy bags too, lol. Be careful with the CDC’s they are very addictive :)
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loving the CDC eye candy swedishandstylish and leorangebliss…I need to jump on the band wagon soon!
- fashionistawearsprada replied 10 years ago
- it’s my favorite bracelet, such a statement piece!
- Yes you do and thank you :)
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simply stunning swedishandstylish, which do you wear with your new Himalaya treasure?
edit: you don’t need anything with that Himalaya, you could walk out naked and my eyes would still be glued to you know where, JK :)
- BirkinBabe replied 10 years ago
- last edited 10 years ago
- Hmmmmmm I wore the Rose Sheherezade when I had my first outing :) I think anything will look with that bag!!
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I am obsessed with CDCs as well, as a matter of fact, they were my first Hermes love. My first Hermes purchase at the store (Madison in NYC) were my beloved small scale Bougainvillea gator GHW CDC and Fuchsia gator PHW CDC (since parted with in exchange for Rose Sheherazade gator PHW)… I was hooked on Hermes from that moment on <3
This is an outdated family pic, I have since parted with a few (Maiz matte gator PHW, Sable swift GHW, UV Swift PHW, BE gator GHW, large scale Bougainvillea GHW), and added a few (Bleu Izmir gator GHW, craie swift RGHW). I would still love an ombre lizard and Ficelle gator one of these days!!
- LeOrangeBliss replied 10 years ago
- AHHHH, HELLO Miss LeOrangeBliss, morning feast for the eyes! your collection is TDF. I need to grow my mine, I sometimes find them clunky. I would love to see the craie swift RGHW! Please share a picture when u can. Is the RGHW really pretty?
- my eyes are drying out still I don´t want to blink afraid this pic will vanish…oh yeah, this is Boptalk, not Snapchat hahahaha jokes apart, what a STUNNING collection of CDC´s, so many, so beautiful…love them ALL!!! thank you for sharing LeOrangeBliss…whenever you take a pic of the updated fam, please share with us :)
- BirkinBabe the RGHW is really beautiful and so elegant!! I love it! Will post a pic soon! They can be a bit clunky, I don’t wear them when I’m working/typing. Thanks Patiev! Hahahaha this pic sure makes me happy too! Will definitely share an updated pic when I take it.
- OMG look at your collection!! Amazing my friend :)
- wow this is unreal. im looking to buy my first one soon but don’t think i’ll be able to compete with your collection for a while! :)
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WHAT!!!!! WHERE did you see an ombre lizard GHW CDC?!?!??!!! I need!!!!!
- LeOrangeBliss replied 10 years ago
- LOL, NEED is the operative word here :)
- LOL yes :D
- It was online at Mallories from a reputable reseller but when I went back to look a few days later it was already gone.
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LOVING this thread, but afraid to admit mine, LOL Where to begin?
- Pursebop replied 10 years ago
- I am sure that you have many, lol, just like me :)
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Loving this CDC rainbow! Any plans to expand?
- StyleInTheCity replied 10 years ago
- Yes I’ve already expanded :) My latest addition was Craie with Rose Gold it is so pretty!
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Woooowwww swedishandstylish!!! all your CDC´s are GORGEOUS!!! I´m obssessed with them too, and with clic clacs <3 I don´t have any (CDC nor Clic Clac) but that doesn´t mean I´m not allowed to be obssessed with them, right? hahaha it´s just like my obssession with CC (specially Boys), I loooove them and am happy just to see them being worn by beautiful women like you. Thank you so much for sharing your CDC collection hun!!! I´d love to see your Boy fam united ;) xoxo
- PatiEv replied 10 years ago
- You have just as many obsessions as me, lol. I love clic clacs too but I don’t have that many.
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with jewelry in mind, one of my obsessions has always been an orange narrow H bracelet with gold hardware..need to move that higher on my priority list and finally get one!
I love the CDC, don’t kick yourself too much about the ombre lizard one lol
- chloet18 replied 10 years ago
- last edited 10 years ago
- the orange narrow GHW clic H was my first clic clac and still one of my favorites and most worn to this day!! they are just so easy to wear and add that pop of color!
- My first clic clac was an orange one too but with silver hardware, it’s so cute and I think that is a great first color.
- Truly divine CDC collection LeOrangeBliss, I need to expand my collection. I’ve been obsessing over Chanel jewellery and handbags lately I need to switch it up and join the Hermes bandwagon!
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