Share Your Favorite IGers.. | PurseBop

Share Your Favorite IGers..


Hello boppers!

Please share you favorite Instagrammers. I’m always looking for new fashionistas and fashionistos to follow but sometimes it’s difficult to come across fresh accounts.

I recently took a break from Instagram and made a new page @PetiteMalles so I need some good recommendations! :)

My personal favorites have to be..
@by_md – she has the most fabulous arm candy!!
@swedishandstylish – the Queen of H
@leorangebliss – Hermes + pups = perfection
and of course our very own @Pursebop

My other favorites are @sapphiresandscotch, @my__closet__diaries, @solidarityfemme and @bethscloset

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What a magnificent thread idea PetiteMalles, delighted with your ingenuity!
Love PB

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Thank you sweet PetiteMalles for the shout out! I adore your feed, and even more, you are a fabulous person. I enjoy @panthere_instyle, @happybaggage, @leorangebliss, @mylifemywardrobe, @swedishandstylish, @patiev, @solidarityfemme, @stylishsheba, @pursebop (duh), @my_closet_diaries, @levernisnoir, @thewonderluststyle, @theordinarysusan, @orangekissed – soooo many I follow and love! It’s impossible to list them all! ?????????

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I love bb10lue, siradong, lvlovercc ? they just seem down to earth and like any girl next door but just really chic and stylish. HappyBaggage and Coolcici7

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PetiteMalleMan, I am so honored I made the list, you are one of my faves as well!

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wow, heavyweight choices PetitMalleMan, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE them all too!!! I´d also add @theordinarysusan, @mrslulu3, @hjinjin, @blondieluxe, @gamerluxe, @medicineinstyle, @favloves, @sherlimluv, @ms.academic and @hang_2_dry… incredible ladies with incredible accounts :) pretty sure I´m forgetting some right now, I´ll edit the reply when I remember my other favorites ;)

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