Just like to say I love this blog and it definitely satisfies my obsession with handbags! I’ve been at the point now for a while that I can afford my first luxury designer bag. For years I would have died for a Celine bag but have now decided on the Saint Laurent Sac Du Jour. What do you guys think as a first designer handbag? My friends don’t get the obsession so thought I’d reach out to the community :)
- Olivia Davidson posted 9 years ago
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Which Celine bag were you thinking of? The baby size of the Sac du Jour is great and personally I find the top handles more comfortable than the Celine nano if thats what you were thinking of. Having both the shoulder strap and top handles on the Sac du Jour is a huge plus I think. Also, the croc embossed leather might hold up better compared to the smooth calfskin that Celine often has.
- Audrey Rogovin Wood replied 9 years ago
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I own this handbag in the “baby” size and absolutely love it. You can’t go wrong with this classic shape/style and I think the black croc embossed version is beautiful! Enjoy your first purchase! I will never forget mine.
- Ashley Dokken replied 9 years ago
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