On July 6, 2022 Hermès showcased its Seventh High Jewelry Collection at its flagship store located at 24, Faubourg Saint-Honore, Paris. The collection is available for viewing by the public from July 6-30, 2022. I happened to be shopping that day at FSH (and all week long), and was able to experience all of its unique beauty firsthand.
The collection was designed by Pierre Hardy, creative director of Hermes’ jewelry since 2001. It is aptly titled Les Jeux de L’ombre and “seeks to give form to the elusive.” Hermes’ press release from assets-finance.hermes.com describes the collection as relating the truth of contrasts, movement of shadow and its relationship with light.
@Hermes explains that the principle behind the “Les Jeux de L’ombre” high jewelry collection are that shadows act as light’s treasure. When you see the collection in person you better understand what they mean when they say “it seeks to give form to the elusive… It relates the movement of shadow and its relationship with light, and the contrasts that connect them.”
I was very fortunate to be in Paris when the collection launched on July 6. Viewing the collection in person is breathtaking. It is so creative, so stunningly beautiful, and so unique that you find yourself wanting several pieces. At least I did. Of course, I gravitated toward the pink pieces, but it was the other pieces photographed below that were really my favorite. Upon viewing the pieces you understand the relationship between shadows and light that Pierre Hardy intended to capture in this unique collection.
If you are in Paris this month, find time to stop by FSH to view the collection personally. You will be happy you did.
xo, @karenzkloset
- Karenzpurses posted 3 years ago
- last edited 3 years ago