Hermes Strategy, are you a Happy Customer?


Todays feature article at shares Hermes’s long term strategy. Read here:

We learn many interesting facts from CEO Axel Dumos’s interview with BBC.
Clearly Hermes has taken a strong stand to remain loyal to their customers even in in light of the recent currency changes. I love his quote: ” I would say that our role is to gather not just an elitist clientele, BUT the elitist part of any of you.”

What has Hermes done to garner your loyalty? Share your experiences at BopTalk..

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I think it’s difficult to be truly satisfied when you can’t access what you want when you want it. Whenever I wear my Hermes perfume, my husband tells me I smell like the store… of desperation and frustration!

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Very interesting topic and question!!

Overall I am a very happy Hermes customer, but I will be the first to admit that Hermes is maddening. There is no other brand that has the same rules and uncertainty! The only way I have dealt with this is to approach Hermes with a very laidback attitude – whatever comes comes, if it’s meant to be it will be. If I obsess about something, I will only drive myself crazy because there are never any guarantees!

But Hermes has my heart for multiple reasons – the products are just amazingly beautiful, classic and timeless; the colors are varied and vibrant; the materials are the best quality; and the craftsmanship for the most part has been exemplary with incredible attention to detail and artisan hand-made craft.

But I think just as importantly is my local Hermes store and the amazing staff. The way they have treated me is a major reason I continue to go back.

  • Pursebop
    I agree with you completely, and although I don’t have as long a history with the brand as you and many other boppers, now that I have invested myself I feel that reciprocity from my boutique and SA. There is a beautiful bond that is being reinforced for the experience and brand. As for the frustrations of availability, your attitude to just take it as it comes is the only way to enjoy the Hermes journey. I look forward to savoring the process and growing my collection ???
  • PatiEv
    that´s why I don´t shop at Hermes… when I obssess with something I have to have it for yesterday, and knowing that with H things don´t work like that, I´d probably be in a mental institution by now if I was a client… neeeaaaahhhh just kidding, I don´t buy there cuz I can´t LOL I´m even afraid of going inside an H store hahahaha… love your position towards it though, LeOrangeBliss :)
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I am glad they were able to fix “smelly” bags issue as I was one of the people affected. So far h has been good to me and they have my loyalty. I love knowing that everything is done with such care and attention to detail.

  • Pursebop
    Fortunately I was spared the smelly issue, and could not agree more that the craftsmanship is impeccable ?
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can´t really share my opinion on this matter but I´d love to read what the H divas have to say ;)

  • Pursebop
    All in due time my beauty ??
  • PatiEv
    no hurry love ;)
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It’s difficult to be “happy” when you cannot access what you want when you want. On the other hand, it saves a lot of money. ?

  • PatiEv
    great comment Maura :)
  • LeOrangeBliss
    LOL in a sense, I totally agree maura… H is maddening!
  • Pursebop
    Maura yes but this maddening makes the conquer sooo much sweeter ?
  • +1
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I don’t have a wide experience with Hermes. However, I do really respect their stance on keeping loyalty even if it hurts prices in the US. Hermes dedication and attention to quality and experience is unmatchable!

  • Pursebop
    Well said ? I agree that their commitment to their customers makes them highly desirable and a leader in the luxury industry.
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