Image courtesy: dior.com
Remember last June 2024, when the fashion world erupted over the news that Dior paid its Chinese subcontractors a mere $57 to assemble multi-thousand dollar handbags? Pundits criticized the fakeness of luxury. For many consumers, this seemed to confirm that luxury products were far from real luxury, as they wondered about craftsmanship, technical skill, and exceptional raw materials.
An Italian court was appointed to oversee alleged claims of labor exploitation related to four small suppliers, to which Dior had outsourced production. The court decision involved 32 employees. At the time, the court expressed concern over inadequate living and working conditions, and Dior committed to working with its suppliers to improve practices.
The oversight was to last one year, but this week, it was terminated months early. According to Reuters, the court determined that Dior has “adopted the required organisational model and supplier control procedures.” Moreover,
“In detail, the fashion house resolved relationships with ‘at-risk’ suppliers extremely quickly and also developed several best practices that received court approval.”
Despite this outcome, has your view of the luxury handbag industry changed?
- Maura Carlin posted 3 weeks ago
- last edited 1 week ago