IT'S CHANGED! NEW System at FSH Paris - Any Questions? Ask Mel in Melbourne


Thank you to the beautiful Pursebop for asking me to share my recent experience at the mothership store with you all.
There is now a NEW system that has been implemented and this applies to all those wanting to buy any leather goods (both bags and small leather goods). I have written a step by step process explaining how this all works – you can check it out here:

New System in Paris to Buy a Birkin

If you have any questions, pls feel free to ask them below and I will do my best to answer them. If you have recently been to Paris and have also experienced the new system too please feel free to contribute as well or share your story. Hope this helps in your quest in scoring your dream bag! xx Mel

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Hi Mel , may you as well update is the price of b/k/L . Thank you

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Congrats Mel. Saw your video too. I can’t say I am at all pleased with this new system, I personally dread FSH now.

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Mel, what a lovely story!! I’m glad you experienced the new system and it paid off for you even though you did several attempts. I like hearing it’s a bit of work, haha just because that’s what I’ve experienced and I still haven’t scored one! I’ve been ten times or so on five trips in the last three years too! I’m not giving up hope!!! Your malachite B is really gorgeous!! I want to see pictures of your Jige and rodeos!! ?? @sapphiresandscotch

  • Thank you so much lovely! Yes it was a bit of work. I kept seeing posts on IG that people were able to get their B or K on their 1st tries so after my 5th attempt I wasn’t feeling that hopeful…lol However since then I have had so many people message me and tell me that it took them just as many tries or more! Definitely do not give up hope! It will happen! I think it’s just a bit of luck and the SA you get on the day, although I have heard buying a few things helps. Who knows? haha I will definitely be posting more shots of my Jige and rodeos on my insta, I tell ya those rodeos are addictive! lol xx

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