Hello all, my name is BirkinBabe.
I am here upon invitation from dear PurseBop.
I have visited the BopTalk page a few times since early morning and little nervous to start a thread but here it goes!
Thank you PurseBop for creating a place for us to communicate. I read your blog and both IG accounts daily. I have always wished for something like this. I am a bag collector and live in a smaller city so any information shared by the big city girls is always so valuable.
I am honored to be a part of the Boptalk launch and be a part of your PurseBopFamily. Friends join in, let’s have fun & share!
And I hope I am doing this right, if not I am sorry, please someone fix.
- Guest posted 10 years ago
- last edited 9 years ago
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Hi Hun, welcome to Boptalk!!! No need to be nervous around here :) just relax and have fun (it´s what I do)… if I have a doubt I ask it here, if I´d like an opinion on which bag to wear for a certain occasion I also post it here… this is a place for us to interact, help each other and enjoy, so no need to get nervous or anything. Hope you love it :)
- PatiEv replied 10 years ago
- last edited 10 years ago
- well said PatiEv! :)
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Hi BirkinBabe. It is my first time here too ;)
- pursegoddess replied 10 years ago
- A warm and hearty welcome to you purse goddess!
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Hi hi BirkinBabe. It’s my first day here too. I’m sure we’ll have lots of fun :D
- favloves replied 10 years ago
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Let me extend a warm welcome to you dear BirkinBabe. I am the one honored to have you here at BopTalk. Thank you for your kind words. I too am a little nervous but together as a family we will learn the ropes & enjoy! I must first say to you and all the others just signing in that there is no wrong here. Just be yourself and share anything you feel like. If we make a mistake, so be it! This is not an exam, this for all of us to share and enjoy. It’s natural to have a little anxiety when trying something new, but I promise you there is nothing to fear. We are all friends here. I just want to see you all here having fun! Welcome love, and do share with your friends please!
Love PurseBop
- Pursebop replied 10 years ago
- last edited 10 years ago
I am so touched by your reply PurseBop, thank you. I want to stand on my rooftop and shout come to BopTalk, & meet PurseBop LOL! I won’t don’t worry… May I answer some of the Birkin queries here?
- I will take any Birkin help given / offerd
It’s not impossible, I’ll give you some pointers. I have been doing this a long time, LOL! As my husband would say, way too long!
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welcome to BopTalk ❤️
- thepinkmarigold replied 10 years ago
thank you thepinkmarigold, I’m excited to be here!
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