Ode to Mrs. PurseBop


My ode to you Mrs. PurseBop may not be as poetic as Percy B Shelly’s to Mary, or William Wordsworth to Annette but it comes from my heart.

My writing may not be as prolific or passionate as your posts for your readers but I can simply say that you are an inspiration. Your excitement for life is contagious and affects all those lucky enough to know you. I have watched you carve a path for your dreams with hard work, conviction and an unparalleled passion. You never cease to amaze me.

Twelve years ago, your passion for design and fashion took your company to the heights of K2. My contribution on Day 1 to you then was a Louis Vuitton office bag (brief case) that you proudly towed and used in your meetings and travels and ultimately, to conquer that peak.

Now with the successful launch of your new venture you are about to scale the highest peak – Mt. Everest. And my contribution to the PurseBop flag that you’re going to place on that pinnacle will be revealed not from the Himalayas… or Paris… but Montreal, Canada.

Who says love is expressed as words? – love is all about the intangibles. The flicker of an eyelid, a glance, a beautiful summer day – like William Shakespeare wrote for Anne in Sonnet #18:

“Shall I compare thee to a summer day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate
But thy eternal summer shall not fade”

My love for you spans all four seasons my Purse Beloved (PB) – but love and enjoy the tangibles too —> the Kelly’s, the Birkins, the boy bags, the LV’s etc etc etc

And although you will add many more no doubt, I hope you will enjoy your new addition as a token again of new beginnings. Let the adventure begin my love and always remember I am with you supporting you, and your beautiful whimsy for this life…

Mr. PurseBop

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Oh how very sweet!

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So sweeeet ??

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What can I say! This post made me giggle, it’s beyond sweet! I’m so glad you fully support our dear Pursebop! It’s always a pleasure to bop along with her and seeing this beautiful written post without a doubt has made my day! Thank you for your beautiful words not only pursebop is overwhelmed but we all feel very touch by your poetical and sweet words! I always say Life is beautiful even more beautiful surrounded by our love ones!

  • Mr. PurseBop
    Thank you for your kind words..It’s so easy to love someone who has so much love to share Mr.PB
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This is so sweet! I love your narrative ! U should think about blogging Mr. pursebop! You guys make a wonderful couple! So excited for the reveal! Wishing you both a wonderful holiday weekend!

  • Mr. PurseBop
    May take you up on it but for i’ll leave that to the one who does it best.. Mr.PB
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What an absolutely beautiful piece to write about your loved one, if only all men could be so poetic, much love to you both and hard work pays off.
Mrs Pursebop, I admire your hard work with what you are doing, a platform for all women to have artistic expression, we love our luxurious goods like they are friends, works of art …. and this platform is what many of us need. I am so happy to join your family… if only there could be a Pursebop event and we could all fly in with our bags clothes and shoes and meet in real time! much love and have a wonderful weekend. From Sunny Sydney, Australia.

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oh my, how touching mr pursebop. having met mrs pursebop i know exactly how you feel. but please . . . what’s in the box!!!!

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I´m speechles!!!! This literally brought tears to my eyes!!! You two, Mrs and Mr Pursebop are so blessed to have each other! You are an inspiration!!! I´ve read it twice already and will surely be reading again :) simply loved it!!! this is so special!!! God bless you two (and Kongo of course) always!!! what a beautiful family!!!

  • Mr. PurseBop
    thank you so much for your kind and loving words…. MrPB
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I need Mr. PB to have a talk with my husband! This is so sweet!

  • Mr. PurseBop
    Have him join BopTalk and we’ll have a chat.. Mr.PB
  • You must to post comments

awwww that’s so sweet!!

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I love this…actually made me cry…

  • Mr. PurseBop
    I cry too..more often than i should..anticipating the next reveal..LOL Mr.PB
  • PatiEv
    hahahaha so cute Mr Pursebop!!! You´re awesome!!!
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So sweet and written for the heart!

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This is the sweetest thing! I can’t wait to see!

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So sweet and romantic!

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So sweet…? And so eloquently worded. What a keeper Mr Pursebop is! Sometimes a handbag is just a pretty accessory but then there are those that have a story behind them or a little extra love that makes them even more desirable :)

  • Mr. PurseBop
    Mr’s are like hand bands..hand bags..want to be held close..clutched. Keep them close!! Mr. PB
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Oh, PurseBop, this is so lovely your hubs did this for you! So very sweet of him! And go Blackhawks! (And Cubbies! ?⚾️)

  • Mr. PurseBop
    i did nothing that any Mr. Hawk or Cub won’t do for his sweet Caroline..Neil Diamond touch Mr.PB
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Omg this is so sweet!!!! ❤️❤️❤️

  • You must to post comments

that so sweet!!!! <3

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So sweet and touching – congrats to both of you and best of luck in this new venture!

  • HouseofBrilliance
    And go Blackhawks!
  • Mr. PurseBop
    Thanks..Hawks will swoop down on the next game i hope before Mrs PB swoops down on her next find…LOL Mr.PB
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??? Mr. Pursebop ???

  • You must to post comments

?????? to Mr.Pursebop ? It is such a lovely note ?

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