I am sure every lady has that bag she just Had to Have but is now sitting pretty in the closet and has not been used in years ? well mine is the Louis Vuitton Le Fabuleux
I became addicted when the bag was out of production and my husband had to scout the country to find the last three abvailable… Fast forward to 5 years later and they are still sitting. They were the original rock studs though ???. So ladies what’s your oldie but goodie @jovadi77
- jovadi77 posted 10 years ago
- last edited 10 years ago
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Great thread!!! Mine is def my floral Gucci hobo. I only use her in the summer and sometimes I forget to get her out until July ??. I really adore her though, she just takes a backseat to my others now!
- Sapphiresandscotch replied 10 years ago
Mine would have to be my Tods bags. I’m not quite sure what they’re called l din’t really pay too much attention to names of bags then, but l know l loved it so much l got it in two colors, red and tan
- Keke O replied 10 years ago
Keke O, from your post on Pursebop celebrating everything pink i can see you have a penchant for buying things in two colors when you like them. Great for the brand but not so sure how your husband feels about it
the great thing about Tod’s is they have a classic look and feel so i am sure they won’t look out of place if you pull them out of the closet today
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Thanks for the response SapphireandScotch. She is a beauty, and with the matching Shoes, too good to give up
Hope i have inspired you to pull them out of your closet and rediscover why you fell in love with them once more.