Luggage is something that we all need at some point, we require our sturdy suitcases and carry-ons to protect our valuable goods. Some designer’s have truly taken advantage of this need, offering a large selection of travel necessities. Such as Louis Vuitton with their Monogram Hat Box, Hunting Bag, Golf Bag and Jewellery Case.. just to name a few basics..
It seems like designer luggage is here to stay with the craze only growing in strength. Nowadays it’s not only celebrities rolling Monogram Pégases around. More and more IG fashionistas/bag lovers are supporting killer designer luggage collections. Even the guys are carrying Keepalls around on a regular basis! Maybe it’s finally time to say goodbye to that ugly black nylon suitcase that has been passed down generation after generation?
If you’re still on the fence about designer luggage, I completely get it. You may think “why pay big bucks for something you don’t use regularly and is only going to get stuck above your head in a dusty airplane luggage bin?” Well, ask yourself this: why do we buy anything designer? For the divine craftsmanship, feel of luxury and knowledge that you’re going to purchase something that will last for many, many years. And most importantly, you’ll turn heads and be the envy of the, usually dull, crowd at the airport while toting your beautiful designer suitcase along behind you.
It’s truly an investment. So, please join me by showcasing your designer luggage sets(they can be as big or small as you like)! :)
- BoyWithTheBag posted 10 years ago
- last edited 10 years ago
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I have always wanted an LV Monogram Hat Box, even just to look at!
- redkisses replied 10 years ago
- @redkisses I’m with you! I love it :)
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Well Hello LV man…mighty impressive! Thanks for sharing. I think you should be the BopTalk resident expert on Louis Vuitton!
- Guest replied 10 years ago
- @BirkinBabe Awe thanks, you’re very sweet
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Wow Styled Guy! Love your set, and welcome to BopTalk
Cannot wait to see the rest of your collection if this is only the beginning lol
- xxChanelplz replied 10 years ago
- Thanks, you’re very kind :)
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Welcome Styled Guy, voted for your fab shot at #PurseBopPicks. I am really excited PurseBop is diversifying the audience base to include men. BopTalk is gonna ROCK! I personally enjoyed this weeks PP tremendously. Excellent thread topic. I will be back with my pictures.
- maroon5 replied 10 years ago
- Thank you, and I appreciate your vote! I’m looking forward to seeing your photos :)
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Most of my Louis Vuitton luggage set: Pégase 55 and Pilot Case in Damier Graphite. Pégase 55 business, Keepall 45(I think) and Michael in Damier Infini Leather. Keepall 55 and Bosphore Backpack in Monogram.
- BoyWithTheBag replied 10 years ago
- That’s a very impressive set Styled Guy. Loving the Damier.
- @maroon5 Thank you! :)
- @Pursebop Tumi is awesome for when you need to check your luggage. Very durable. I can’t wait to see what LV pieces you add to your travel set. I’m not a total expert on carry-on luggage but I know enough to offer advice :) Whenever the time comes, feel free to message me.
- Styled Guy I will look uo my SA’s business card, he wrote them on the back. One was the one with 4 wheels that manouvered really well and the other was a 2 wheel one that I think is an older model but seemed sleeker. I like the traditional monogram because I have a briefcase from ages ago that I frequently travel with, one duffel & an age old backpack. But then again is that too much match match?
- @Pursebop I think the 4 wheel suitcase you’re talking about is called Zephyrs(?) or something similar. I could be wrong, but I don’t think the 4 wheelers are small enough for carry-ons. If my memory is correct the Pégase 55 Business is the largest carry-on suitcase available. I love the Monogram, I actually want my next suitcase to either be a monogram Pégase or a Goyard. I don’t think you need to worry about being too matchy when it comes to luggage, personally I find matching luggage charming. It’s not like wearing a Louis Vuitton Monogram belt, bracelet, speedy, and sneakers haha.
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