I am new to the Hermes family so there are some things I still do not know. Is there really a bag quota for kelly and birkin at the boutique? I was so lucky to be offered my first b and of course I love it to pieces. I heard that there is a quota of b and k’s that the store will offer one person that is not a vip. Is this true and is so how long to i have to wait.
Thanks, any help appreciated.
- suziez posted 9 years ago
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According to my SA, here in the US, you are allowed two Bs or Ks per year and they typically like them to be one per season. You can possibly get around this if your husband also has a profile but needs to be a different address and credit card altogether, although I’ve heard some stores won’t allow this either. It just depends. In Europe I have heard there isn’t really a quota per say but they just decide who and when to offer things in general. Hope this helps and congrats on your first lovely B!!! Post a picture!! ??
- Sapphiresandscotch replied 9 years ago

Thanks so much for the information. I purchased my b on 7-2-16 so I guess that means nothing for me until January. The other day my wonderful sa (who i love) offered me a so kelly. I jumped on it immediately but unfortunately it was too big for my frame and I am going to have to return it. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I won’t have to wait the six months for a b or k, my excitement got away from me.