Summer Outfits


It seems that for most of us the nice weather has finally arrived! So, let’s share our summer looks with each other :) I for one am thrilled to lock away the coats lol

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What a great thread StyledGuy! I wish I could say “hurray, it’s not cold anymore, I can lock away my coats!”… But uuhhh where I live in Brazil it’s always hot, I never even get to wear my coats :( … And believe me, it’s sooooo frustrating! I wish we had real winter here, but all we get is summer and like, 2 weeks a year of chilly weather :/ anyways, here are some summer outfits I just retrieved from my IG account ;)

  • PatiEv
    I should def change the mirror selfie pose hahahahaha it´s always the same and only now I´ve noticed it.
  • Valentina
    I spy with my little eye a gorgeous Valentino. Beautiful outfits and bags.
  • BoyWithTheBag
    We’re only capable of so many selfie poses.. haha! Jokes aside, you look lovely – thanks for sharing :)
  • favloves
    Ooh so pretty dear. Love the different looks and I see that pretty kelly wallet. Loved your story behind that beauty :)
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  • mr3055
    I love your shoes!
  • PatiEv
    chic, clean and stylish…LOVE the outfit!!!
  • Valentina
    great looking StylesGuy ;) love the PM and outfit!
  • BoyWithTheBag
    Thank you all :)
  • AaronT
    So Fresh! I love It!❤❤❤❤
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