In the fast-paced world of fashion, every now and then, a seemingly ordinary item makes waves across social media and beyond. Last year, the Uniqlo Round Mini Shoulder Bag took the fashion world by storm, earning a coveted spot on Lyst’s quarterly index of the hottest fashion items for 2023. Priced at a mere $20, this crescent-shaped crossbody quickly became a favorite among fashion enthusiasts, proving that style doesn’t always come with a hefty price tag.
Designed for those on the go, Uniqlo’s ‘it’ bag has an unassuming curved silhouette and a surprisingly spacious interior. Uniqlo even provided a video demo on its website, showcasing the bag’s ability to carry more than meets the eye. Designed in durable water-repellent fabric, the bag is both lightweight and strong.
Such was the frenzy around this humble bag that it remained sold out for long stretches of 2023, solidifying its cult-loved reputation. Its scarcity only fueled the desire for this affordable accessory, leaving fashion enthusiasts eagerly waiting for restocks. In 2024, Uniqlo seemed to have met the demand, even introducing a collaborative version with Marimekko, featuring their signature colorful prints.
Moreover, the Uniqlo bag distinguished itself as a fail-safe alternative to high-end designs. Notably, it stands out as a practical and affordable choice when compared to the luxurious Banana Bag from The Row. So much so, that the brand launched a larger size in a faux-leather variation.
However, the Uniqlo bag’s fame is not without its share of drama. Uniqlo has filed a lawsuit against SHEIN, accusing the rival retailer of producing an inferior and unlawful copy of their popular product. The legal action alleges the smaller shoulder bag produced by the Chinese company is an unauthorized subpar replica of Uniqlo’s sell-out product. As a result, Uniqlo has demanded that Shein cease the sale of its product immediately.
Will the love for Uniqlo’s Round Mini Shoulder bag continue into 2024? Or will luxe alternatives be more coveted?
- Anna McWhirter posted 11 months ago
- last edited 11 months ago