FYI: Just yesterday Van Cleef & Arpels reduced prices on all fine jewelry. The prices at already reflect the reduction.
We estimate the decrease to be between 3-5%. However the pink gold pieces appear to have taken a deeper reduction… anyone a Pink gold lover?
For example:
MOP Magic Pendant was 5500, now 5300 (source: @dreamingofh who purchased 04/16/2017).
Pink gold 10- motif was $7850 now $7600
Pink gold 5- motif was $4150 now $3800
Pink gold matching earrings were $4550 now $3950.
VCA observations, why the decrease?
Van Cleef and Arpels does an excellent job of globalizing (adjusting) their prices to compensate for the fluctuating euro and pound. These decreases keep the difference between Europe and the US minimal. The only money saved shopping abroad will be the tax refund (VAT) of approximately 10%. However with the new VAT refund screening at the point of entry (imposed duties- you must declare!) the difference only negligible – (if any?) savings to be recognized.
Read our coverage here for more details: (read: Luxury Brands VCA and Hermes Adjust Prices for Devalued Euro).
Please add any additional information below! We’ll keep you updated, just wanted to get the word out asap!
Chapter 6: How It Works – VAT Refund and Custom Duties
Chapter 5: Luxury Brands VCA and Hermes Adjust Prices for Devalued Euro
Chapter 8: Mom Needs to Make Some (Hermes, Chanel, VCA) Memories!
Love PurseBop
- Pursebop posted 8 years ago
- last edited 7 years ago
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Price Increase as of Sept 28th, 2017: Van Clef & Arpels has increased it’s prices across the board approximately 6% – 8%. Individual cases do vary. It would appear VCA has absorbed any decrease taken earlier this year. Since VCA is very particular with globalization of prices throughout the world we can anticipate the increases to follow in other countries. The UK has reported an increase. Canada has taken a slight increase with some items actually decreasing.
Some Examples here in the USA to give you an idea. We will update you as more specific information becomes available.
Yellow Gold MOP 10 $7150 to $7160 resulting in a $500 increase/7% increase
Yellow Gold Onyx 5 $3650 to $3900 resulting in a $250 increase/6.8% increase
Carnelian 10 $7900 to $8500 resulting in a $600 increase/7.6 % increase
Carnelian 5 $3950 to $4300 resulting in a $350 increase/8.7% increase
Carnelian Magic Pendant $5600 to $6250 resulting in a $650 increase/11.6 % increase
- Pursebop replied 7 years ago
- last edited 7 years ago
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Now this is great news (even though I won’t be buying any VCA any time in the next 80years probably ??unless I win the lottery ??)… but I always love to hear it when prices are reduced instead of ever going up (like my beloved Chanel ?☹️?)! ❤️?
- PatiEv replied 8 years ago
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Sharing Australian Updates as per @stylishsheba
Hi everyone,
Good news for my fellow Australians too as Van Clef & Arpels have also reduced their prices between 3 – 5% here. Because our website doesn’t have the prices listed, I only have the details of pieces I was inquiring about in December and their new prices my SA gave me, but to give you an idea, here are a few of the differences:
Magic Ring Mother of Pearl (MOP) 1 Motif Ring was $5,450, now $5,200
Earrings (matching) 3 Motifs was $11,000, now $10,500
MOP or Onyx 5 Motif Yellow Gold bracelet was $5,250, now $5,000
I’m really happy the price differences were passed on here as I have my eye on a few things!
Love Stylish Sheba xx
- Pursebop replied 8 years ago
- last edited 8 years ago
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What an amazing news. The prices dropped in Canada too! Yay! I couldn’t believe when I checked the website, pulled up an email right away which I received from my SA last month, with detailed information on items and prices.
Perlée Clover bracelet sz. small in white gold $33,200 now $31,500 = $1700
Perlée bead of gold in white gold $6,150 now $5,800 =$350
Magic alhmabra ring (grey mop) $4,950 now $4,700 = $250
Prices in Canadian dollars!
Thank you for posting this article.
- Rami replied 8 years ago
- last edited 8 years ago
Thank you for the Canadian prices update! That Perlée Clover bracelet is a dream ???? XO
Hi everyone,
Good news for my fellow Australians too as Van Clef & Arpels have also reduced their prices between 3 – 5% here. Because our website doesn’t have the prices listed, I only have the details of pieces I was inquiring about in December and their new prices my SA gave me, but to give you an idea, here are a few of the differences:
Magic Ring Mother of Pearl (MOP) 1 Motif Ring was $5,450, now $5,200
Earrings (matching) 3 Motifs was $11,000, now $10,500
MOP or Onyx 5 Motif Yellow Gold bracelet was $5,250, now $5,000
I’m really happy the price differences were passed on here as I have my eye on a few things!
Love Stylish Sheba xx
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