Celebrity Fashion Review: PurseBop’s Picks for the Golden Globes

Hollywood gathered in all its splendor at the 71st annual Golden Globe

Little Late to the LV Party…

(but late is always better than never…) Although fall colors have made

I Spy With My Little Eye Something That Is Pink….

These bursting bouquets of pink flowers from my garden are from me


For decades, Mars has captivated the attention of humans for its topographical


What is it about Wimbledon that makes it the most prestigious tennis

Grass is ALWAYS greener on the other side…

One of my favorite ‘built in’ treats that comes with visiting home in South Florida is the

Either Will Raise Your Spirits

Nothing Less Than French Royalty The sporran flask bag, part of the

Celebrity News and Fashion Review: PurseBop’s Pick for Billboard Awards (Part Two)

Today we style music artist Miley Cyrus and Jennifer Lopez at the

Celebrity News and Fashion Review: PurseBop’s Pick for Billboard Awards (Part One)

Billboard Music Awards–GREAT night for the music biz … HIGHEST ratings for the BBMAs

Celebrity Fashion Review: PurseBop’s Pick for White House Correspondents Dinner (Part Two)

Washington’s most glamorous night is still generating buzz across the nation. Jokes

Celebrity Fashion Review: PurseBop’s Pick for White House Correspondents Dinner (Part One)

One of PurseBop’s most lauded blog posts has been the Celebrity Fashion

Plaid Anyone?

PurseBop honors Scotland Week (a week long celebration of Scotland from the

Serious Case of Monday Blues…

Tis the season of fur, and not just any fur…sky blue fur.

I Can’t Live Without: Chanel Chain Around Maxi

I absolutely Love Chanel classics, but for busy ‘run around times’ this

The Chanel Hula ‘Oops’ Bag

What has Chanel critics in a frenzy: The most talked-about item on

Celebrity Fashion Review: PurseBop’s Pick for Oscars Night 2013

It’s PurseBop’s turn to be handbag stylist to the stars again. Last

PurseBop Has The Midas Touch

Magazines and online websites are featuring toe baring sandals, vibrant neon jelly

“Mirror mirror on the wall, which Chanel will attend the ball…”

PurseBop’s Pick for her own OSCARS night ensemble: Live reveal Chanel ‘mirrors’ mademoiselle reissue

Celebrity Fashion Review: PurseBop’s picks for Grammys 2013

It’s February, PurseBops lucky month, and its filled with my favorites: reds


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