For the latest information on Chanel price increases please read: Expect Another Hike in Chanel Classic Prices (March 1st, 2022)
Editor’s Update November 3rd, 2021
Prices have all increased on classics & 2.55’s as originally reported in charts below with only one exception: the mini size prices remain unchanged as of today.
Hang onto your flaps boys and girls. It’s official! CHANEL prices are slated to increase November 3, 2021. And it’s another huge increase. Despite the numerous rumors circulating, our information comes straight from the source.

What you’re about to see is not a mirage. These are the expected soon-to-be prices for the iconic Chanel flaps in mini, small, medium, jumbo and maxi. Truthfully we’re at a loss for words.
As just one example, for those who scrambled to (successfully) find the hot colored medium flaps from 21S and paid $6800, that same bag would now be $8800 at the boutique. A 2K increase in six months for the same bag!
Another way of evaluating (as we do) is to compare Chanel to Hermès on handbag pricing. With Birkin and Kelly prices remaining stable for many years now (read: Should Hermès Raise Its Prices), Chanel’s hikes result in a pricing race to to the top. The reality is, the cost of a jumbo Chanel flap is now at par with an Hermès Birkin 25. Now, you can decide which you prefer… if you can get either. But the bottom line is that the top line is getting closer.
Chanel Classic Flaps | Current Price as of July 2021 (USD) | New Price Nov 3rd ’21 (USD) | Increase (%) |
Wallet on Chain | $3,100 | $3,500 | 12.9% |
Mini Rectangular | $4,400 | $4,400 | 0% |
Classic Small Flap | $7,100 | $8,200 | 15.5% |
Classic Medium Flap | $7,800 | $8,800 | 12.8% |
Classic Jumbo Flap | $8,500 | $9,500 | 11.8% |
Classic Maxi Flap | $9,200 | $10,000 | 8.7% |
Chanel Classic Flap & 2.55’s | Current Price as of July 2021 (USD) | New Price Nov 3rd ’21 (USD) | Increase (%) |
Wallet on Chain | $3,100 | $3,500 | 12.9% |
Mini Rectangular | $4,400 | $4,400 | 0% |
Classic Small Flap | $7,100 | $8,200 | 15.5% |
Classic Medium Flap | $7,800 | $8,800 | 12.8% |
Classic Jumbo Flap | $8,500 | $9,500 | 11.8% |
Classic Maxi Flap | $9,200 | $10,000 | 8.7% |
This new 12-15% increase comes on the heels of a steep increase just taken in July of this year where all classic flap sizes increased approx 15%.
Read: Here are the New 2021 Chanel Prices After the July 1st Increase
What Chanel has done seemed impossible a short time ago. High prices and limited availability. Is this the exclusivity it wants? Fewer people carrying more expensive bags. And if it sounds familiar, let’s just say one sales associate confided that Chanel is leaning into the sales model followed by “another French brand.”
With reports of new bag quotas, as discussed recently, combined with these new prices, it is quite possible that the Chanel game will soon be at par with the Hermès one. You may be asking yourself.. how is this even possible?? But more importantly, is it a game you want to play?
We will slice and dice all the information for you but in the interim this article clearly summarizes what you need to know:
Read: What’s Really Going On With Chanel Prices

Image Credit: @fashionxfrenchfries
Chanel Price Increase in Europe
The increases are expected to take place globally as harmonization of prices is a top priority for Chanel. We will update as reports come in but we can tell you that the expected prices are as follows:
small classic is going from 6300 euros to 7200 euros and a medium classic will cost 1000 euros more going from 6,850 to 7,850 euros (that’s approx $9,000 USD based on todays exchange rate). Ready for this… yikes… the jumbo will go from 7400 to 8500 euros which is $9800 USD! And our sources say the maxi will come in at 9000 euros ($10,400 USD).
Chanel Classic Flap Styles | Current Price as of July 2021 (Euros) | New Price Nov 3rd ’21 (Euros) | Increase (%) |
Classic Small Flap | €6,300 | €7,300 | 14.2% |
Classic Medium Flap | €6,850 | €7,800 | 14.5% |
Classic Jumbo Flap | €7,400 | €8,400 | 14.8% |
Classic Maxi Flap | N/A | €8,900 | N/A |
Chanel Classic Flap Styles | Current Price as of July 2021 (Euros) | New Price Nov 3rd ’21 (Euros) | Increase (%) |
Classic Small Flap | €6,300 | €7,300 | 14.2% |
Classic Medium Flap | €6,850 | €7,800 | 14.5% |
Classic Jumbo Flap | €7,400 | €8,400 | 14.8% |
Classic Maxi Flap | N/A | €8,900 | N/A |
Chanel Classic Flap Styles | Current Price as of July 2021 (GBP) | New Price Nov ’21 (GBP) | Increase (%) |
Mini Square | NA | £3,090 | N/A |
Mini Rectangular | NA | £3,260 | N/A |
Classic Small Flap | £5,890 | £6,210 | 5.4% |
Classic Medium Flap | £5,890 | £6,630 | 12.5% |
Classic Jumbo Flap | £6,360 | £7,140 | 12.2% |
Classic Maxi Flap | N/A | £7,570 | N/A |
Chanel Classic Flap Styles | Current Price as of July 2021 (GBP) | New Price Nov ’21 (GBP) | Increase (%) |
Mini Square | NA | £3,090 | N/A |
Mini Rectangular | NA | £3,260 | N/A |
Classic Small Flap | £5,890 | £6,210 | 5.4% |
Classic Medium Flap | £5,890 | £6,630 | 12.5% |
Classic Jumbo Flap | £6,360 | £7,140 | 12.2% |
Classic Maxi Flap | N/A | £7,570 | N/A |
At this time there is no additional news on price increases for the Trendy CC, Boy and Chanel 19 – we will update here with specifics as our sources confirm.
Standby as we learn more.
Editor’s Update on Oct 31st:
How to Score a Chanel Bag Before the Price Increase
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Love, PurseBop
Updated: March 1st, 2022