Prologue: Shopping in France Adventures
Chapter 1: Hermes Versus Chanel Prices in the US and France
Chapter 2: Louis Vuitton or Chanel – Which is the Better Deal in France?
Chapter 3: Taste of Laduree, Dash of Dior and a Full Serving of Chanel
Chapter 4: Double Fisted with Chanel and Dior in Monte Carlo
Chapter 5: Luxury Brands VCA and Hermes Adjust Prices for Devalued Euro
Chapter 6: How It Works – VAT Refund and Custom Duties

The traditional PurseBop shot at the signature Hermes entrance. Hermes, Cannes France.
Every year right before the first sign of winter hits, PurseBop embarks on a (challenging) fashion journey: finding the perfect pair of boots. Not just any pair of boots, but THE pair of boots that make my heart flutter with even a glimpse and that are just quintessentially “me”. During the fall, stores begin to flood with boot styles, so it seems like finding a suitable pair of boots would be an open and shut case. However, as I’ve come to experience, finding your very own knockout pair of boots is a lengthy, will-powered process.

Last year, my winter staple was blingy boots from Rene Caovilla (see full reveal story here). With such a stunning pair of boots under my belt, I had high expectations for this year and began my research. After scrolling through endless feeds of shoes on every website from Bergdorf’s to Nordstrom, I received a picture text from our dear friend Maura with a caption that read like this: “these were made for PurseBop”. These were IT ~ the ULTIMATE pair of Hermes boots… I took my search to the H realm, only to discover that these were a European exclusive. Nothing else would do… I had arrived at my match.

PurseBop’s Hermes CDC obsession is strong. I love rocking the CDC bracelet stacked with or without my diamond bangles. My collection has grown, especially after Hermes reduced prices on accessories recently. So naturally, seeing my favorite Collier de Chien studs in boot form was simply irresistible. Since they were only available in Europe, I set off to find them during my Shopping Adventures in France with just the help of a picture on my iPhone. I went to several different H stores during our trip. I enrolled SAs to help me with my mission, but I still couldn’t find my coveted pair of boots. As we discussed extensively in the earlier chapters of the #PurseBopsInFrance series, stocks were extremely low on everything in September. Finally in Cannes, our last city of the trip, and by a stroke of good H luck, my SA came back to me ecstatic with the news that they indeed had one pair left…and it was in my size!

Hermes, Cannes France.

PurseBop’s trademark look, a CDC flanked by diamond bangles…
Reveal time…

I was beyond elated to snag these fabulous CDC boots. More importantly though, PurseBop’s winter boot mission was successfully completed and another pair of blinged out beauties joins the family!

Join me in the conversation on BopTalk, do you have a favorite pair of winter boots? How did they end up in your collection?
Love PurseBop
Updated: May 18th, 2017