We love answering your questions and reading your experiences with luxury brands. Be sure to catch up and read all the questions Dear PurseBop has answered. It’s quite possible your questions have been answered. If not, submit your question here.

Image courtesy @minaamonroe
Dear PurseBop: Is My Hermès Spend Profile With My Home Store or With My SA?
This is a very interesting question that many wonder about. It can be very confusing especially when your SA no longer works at the location. Rest assured that you are not alone in this situation. Although not perfect, it usually works out for the best.
Click here to see Dear PurseBop’s response and the suggestions to keep your spend profile healthy.

photo courtesy @hermesbagshoeslovers
Dear PurseBop: Help! My Chanel Fashion Advisor Broke Up With Me for Using Another Location, What Do I Do?
Chanel values loyalty the same way all fashion houses do. A relationship with a SA is special. They work hard to find the items you desire. Chanel has been changing its rules with respect to product launches and shipping requirements.
Read Dear PurseBop’s tips for maintaining a good relationship with your Chanel Fashion Advisor.

photo courtesy @xsakisaki
Dear PurseBop: How Desirable are Hermès Touch Bags?
Hermès Touch bags have a “touch” of exotic skin such as crocodile, alligator, or lizard on the handles and sangles. These bags are rare and desirable. Touch bags are not only on quota bags either. They can also be found on Lindys and Picotins.
Read Dear PurseBop’s advice on Touch bags.

photo courtesy @cclaichic
Dear PurseBop: Can My Hermès Sales Associate See My Online Purchases?
This is a very common question that is on many people’s minds. Dear PurseBop explains how to manage your online purchases so it benefits both you and your SA. And there is a bonus tip, read it here.

photo courtesy @my_life_style_diary
Dear PurseBop Wants You To Share Your Shopping Experiences
Updated: May 18th, 2023