My Dream Hermes Quota bag Arrived but I have an Unexpected Emergency! What Do I Do?



Any advice on what to do if your dream QB arrives in the exact specs you wanted but you’re faced with an unexpected emergency that requires a large amount of funds (for example, major renovation works)

Dear Unexpected Emergency:

Buying luxury pieces is just that – a luxury. Unfortunately it should be approached with caution, a clear head, and without impulse. It is a large sum of money not to be taken lightly.


If there is a major expense that is necessary for you or your family you must take that into consideration. Your SA will understand if it isn’t the right time for you to make this purchase even if it is your Holy Grail Bag (HGB).


Be honest with your SA and let them know that circumstances beyond your control are occurring but you hope to renew this request and be able to purchase this bag in the future. It is possible, depending on the specifications of the bag, that the opportunity will arise again in the future for you to purchase your dream bag. Good luck.


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