Dear PurseBop,
I have already received my 2 quota bags for this year and am hoping my special order will also arrive this year. I will be in Paris in October ’23 .. should I even try to get an appointment to Hermès to maybe get another quota bag?
Dear 4th Quota Bag,
All Paris Hermès boutiques are now linked with the U.S. and many other countries for purposes of quota bags only. It is our understanding that before a SA in Paris will offer a client a quota bag, they will first view the clients home profile to determine how many, if any, quota bags that client has received this year.
If you have received two quota bags, (unless you are a VVIP), it is highly unlikely that you will be offered a quota bag in Paris under your profile. You may be offered a non quota bag, however.
Alternatively, if you are traveling with a spouse, family member, or friend and can shop under their profile then you may be able to score a quota bag in Paris. The leather appointment must be in the other person’s name and we advise making purchases on that person’s profile before your appointment. This may increase the chances of being offered a quota bag. Of course, nothing is guaranteed or expected when it comes to shopping at Hermès.
Good luck in Paris and Happy Shopping.
- Karenzpurses posted 2 years ago