Dear PurseBop:
Can I sell my collection of handbags?
Dear Seller of Handbags:
If you desire to sell any of your luxury handbags, it is best to do your research and proceed carefully. There is a large resale market where new and gently used handbags are in demand. You have numerous choices when selling your handbags.
You may use a trusted reseller such as Fashionphile, Luxury Promise, Ann’s Fabulous Finds, Heritage Auctions, or others. They will either purchase your bag outright or allow you to consign it with them. Explore both options and determine which is best for you. Just be sure they are a trusted reseller and have excellent reviews.
Or you may choose to sell your handbags yourself on Ebay, Instagram, Facebook, Poshmark, Vestiaire, or other online sites. Other than selling it yourself on Facebook, Instagram or to a person you know, there will be a fee associated with selling your bag through these sites or with a reseller. The fee varies and it is best to find out the fee before proceeding.
Be sure to do your research and be realistic about the condition, popularity, desirability, and marketability of your bag.The value of your preloved bag is based on the condition (brand new, excellent, very good, good, fair), the age of the bag, the color, leather, size and style of the bag, as well as the popularity or desirability of the bag at that time. Be realistic and patient and your luxury bags will sell.
Finally, make sure you are absolutely positive you wish to sell a particular bag. Remember the motto: Doubt Means Don’t. The worst thing is selling a bag only later to realize it was a mistake and you wish you still had it. Prices have increased and it is unlikely you will be able to replace a bag you sold for the same price.
Good luck and do your research before proceeding.
Should I Sell Some of My Chanel Bags to Fund My New Hermès Journey?
- Karenzpurses posted 2 years ago