How Does Hermès View Past Clients with Older Profiles Who Want to Restart their Journey? | PurseBop

How Does Hermès View Past Clients with Older Profiles Who Want to Restart their Journey?



Dear Pursebop How are you? Question is related to Hermès. My profile with a local store was created almost 12 years ago. I did not buy much and certainly not consistently, neither did I have an SA. I bought mainly scarves. The store closed several years later and now I am restarting my journey at another boutique. I was never assigned an SA, never knew I had to build a relationship, did not follow pursebop (:D) but sometimes will get an invitation to certain events. The question is, how does Hermès view customers with older profiles? What is your advice for this group of customers when they want to restart their H journey? Thank you! Kind Regards

Dear Longtime Client:
Hermès values loyalty to its brand, and longevity as a client certainly shows loyalty. The fact that your original store closed and you did not have a SA that you shopped with has no bearing on the present. However, your profile showing all your past purchases may or may not be visible by your new store. It depends whether the information from 12 years ago was saved on a computer and can be accessed at the present time. Hopefully, it is intact and can be reviewed.
Nevertheless, you are much more knowledgeable and prepared to begin your Hermès journey now since you follow PurseBop. Our suggestion is to visit your home boutique. Select a SA you might enjoy shopping with, or ask for assistance selecting a SA. Build a relationship with the SA. Let them know that you are a longtime client and have a history purchasing many products before your store closed.
Although each boutique follows Hermès protocol, it is the decision of your new boutique’s manager and director to determine how much of your past spending history to consider when offering you a quota bag. It is best to have an honest conversation with your SA and they will be able to advise you how to proceed.
Explore all areas of the boutique and make purchases in different departments depending on your likes, desires, tastes and budget. Stick with one store and one SA, and do not buy online unless your SA orders it for you.
Soon you will likely be offered a quota or non-quota bag from your wishlist, and you will be excited to continue your journey with Hermès. Good luck and happy shopping.
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