How Far In Advance Should I Contact My SA in Paris Before I Arrive?


Dear PurseBop:

My husband and I are trying to plan a trip to Paris for the fall, but I don’t want to go all the way to Europe and be there at the wrong time, or risk that my SA has forgotten what we discussed previously. Do you have thoughts on when I should reach out to her in advance of my coming? Any advice or direction you have is much appreciated!

Dear Contact My SA in Paris:

It is best to contact your SA in Paris approximately 4-6 weeks before your visit. This allows for the possibility that they may be on vacation or out for other personal reasons. It may take your SA a week or more to respond. If you do not receive a response after 2 weeks try reaching out a second time. The SA’s only have their work phones on them when they are at work.

With respect to asking about a Special Order they mentioned at your last visit, one suggestion is to wait until they respond to your first email or text and confirm their availability to see you. This assures you they will be working at the time of your visit. In your second communication to them politely ask if it is possible to create a Special Order as you had discussed with them previously. It is appropriate to communicate with them, however, an immediate reply may not be possible due to their busy schedule and other factors. So be patient.

It is our understanding that Special Order season in Paris is available most months during the year as long as all available allocation slots have not been filled. We have heard that they may suspend the creation of Special Orders in the months of July and August. However, there are always exceptions with Hermès. A community member just received the opportunity to create a Special Order this July. So anything is possible.

Good luck and happy shopping. Please share your experience shopping and creating a Special Order in Paris after your visit.

Read Related Article:

Guide to Special Orders 2024

photo courtesy @modemoiselle_13

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