My Hermès Special Order Was Changed By Paris Without My Knowledge or Approval, What Do I Do?


Dear PurseBop:

I placed my Special Order bag with my Hermès SA 7 months ago. When it arrived, the bag was a multico instead of a verso which was not what I ordered! I accepted the bag reluctantly. What do I do now?

Dear Disappointed With Special Order:

There are times when Paris may change something about a Special Order placed by a client. If the color requested is no longer available or the chosen colors were not listed for the type of leather or skin selected, Paris is unable to fulfill the order. The store is notified and the client is informed so that new choices may be made. 

In this case it seems the client was not notified and did not know the change was going to be made. This is quite rare and unfortunate particularly if you do not like the change made by Paris.

Since you ordered a verso bag (outside one color and inside a second color), but you received a multico bag (outside is two colors), here are some options. 

  • Because the bag is not paid for until it arrives and is accepted, refusing the bag is an option. This can be quite difficult to do because it is not only disappointing, but now you are without a bag you thought you would be receiving after waiting many months. 
  • Ask your SA if the manager of the store can contact Paris to find out why the change was made.
  • You could accept the bag and see if over time you grow to love the bi-color combination. 
  • You can put a twilly on the handle and hide the sangles under the flap so the only area where the second color is visible is on the sides.
  • You can request the opportunity to order a new Special Order. However, it is possible that the new colors for 2024 are not the same as the colors on the 2023 list. This may affect your choices.
  • You can re-home the new Special Order bag and use the money to purchase another bag that may be on your wishlist.

Good luck and keep us informed on the ultimate outcome.


Guide to Special Orders 2024

photo courtesy Red App
@anne han

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