Dear PurseBop:
Typically, how much money do I have to spend at the Hermès store before getting offered a Special Order?
Dear Hoping for a Special Order:
Placing a Special Order is an exclusive opportunity offered by your SA. The inner workings of a particular Hermès boutique is shrouded in secrecy and mystery. No one knows for certain how the Special Order process works. And each boutique operates differently.
It is our understanding that each boutique is allotted a certain number of Special Orders (SO) that they may place each spring and fall. The number of slots is based on the size of the store, the number of SA’s, the location of the boutique, and the number of customers.
Not every SA is given the opportunity to offer a SO to their client each season. In the larger stores, there may be 30 or more SA’s who each have a list of clients that would qualify. However, all SAs may not be given the opportunity to offer one or two of its clients a SO that season.
With respect to how much you have to spend to be offered a Special Order, there is no set amount. Again, it does not depend solely on your spend profile. There are several factors that go into the entire SO process. The best thing to do is to let your SA know that you would love the opportunity to place a SO should the opportunity arise, and ask if there is anything you could do to increase your chances of being offered one.
In addition, it is a good idea to visit your home store on a regular basis and make purchases of items you love and will use or give as gifts to family and friends. Finally, enjoy the process and have patience.
Insider’s Guide to Hermes Special Orders
5 Myths About the Hermes Special Order Process
The 5 Steps to Hermes Special Orders

photo courtesy @live4loveeeee
- Pursebop posted 3 years ago
- last edited 7 months ago