Dear PurseBop:
What do I do when my Hermès SA of 2 years leaves and I’ve spent 2.5:1 🥲- any pointers or ideas what to do next?
Dear Need a New SA:
I understand that losing a Sales Associate (SA) you’ve built a relationship with can be disappointing. Here are some pointers on what to do when your SA leaves and how to navigate this situation:
While your previous SA is no longer with the brand, remember that there are opportunities to build new relationships and experiences with the brand. If you are still in communication with your previous SA, start by expressing your appreciation for their assistance. Then ask if they could recommend one of their colleagues who would understand your aesthetic or you might enjoy working with.
Alternatively, ask a friend for recommendations of other SA’s in your home store, or ask the manager to assist with introducing you to another SA. If you have met another SA in your home boutique, either when your SA was out on vacation or through your visits, this may also be a good place to start.
Once you have chosen a new SA, take the initiative to introduce yourself by sharing your history with the brand, your preferences, and any previous purchases.Treat this situation as a chance to build a new relationship. Spend time getting to know your new SA, their expertise, and communication style.
Clearly communicate your preferences and priorities to your new SA. Let them know about your favorite products, styles, and colors, as well as any upcoming events or occasions on your calendar.
If you’ve spent significantly with the brand under your previous SA, you could mention this to your new SA and ask how starting anew will affect your opportunity to be offered a quota bag. This can provide context and may help with their understanding of your relationship with the brand.
Continue to engage with the brand by visiting your home boutique, attending events, and following them on social media. This shows your ongoing interest and involvement.
Developing a new relationship takes time. While it might not feel the same as your previous one initially, over time, you can still build a meaningful connection.
Don’t limit yourself to just one SA. Although loyalty to one SA is key for purchase history, engaging with other SAs in the boutique can provide you with diverse perspectives, insights, and options should a similar situation arise.
Different SAs might have different insights and access to different products. Be open to exploring new options and discovering products you might not have considered before. It’s important to remember that while you might have had a strong connection with your previous SA, good things often come with change.
While the SA’s relationship is important, your love for the brand and the products should be the primary motivation. Focus on enjoying the brand experience.
Remember that each SA is unique, and while it can be challenging to start over, a new SA might bring fresh insights and opportunities. Give the new relationship time to develop and approach it with an open mind.
Good luck and Happy Shopping!

photo courtesy @luxe__princess
- Karenzpurses posted 1 year ago