When will my SA allow me to create a SO bag? I was able to purchase 4 bags in 2021, including a Birkin. I purchased a bag this year, but have also bought other items within the house such as watches, SLGs, homeware, shoes, fragrances and makeup.
Dear Desperate for a Special Order:
I understand your desire to create a Special Order. It is a very special opportunity to be offered the opportunity to design a one of a kind quota bag that is individualized and to your specifications within the parameters given at that time.There are many factors that go into determining who gets offered a SO each season.
Each boutique is only allotted a certain number of Special Order bags that they may offer. So it may be very difficult for your SA to be given a SO to offer to one or two of their clients. Some of the factors that are considered are: How many SO’s your boutique is allotted, how many SA’s work in your boutique, how many clients your SA has, and whether the manager will approve your SA’s request to offer you a SO that season. There are likely many more factors involved in the process as well.
You should have an honest and open conversation with your SA about your desire to place a SO, place that desire on your wishlist, and have patience. Good luck

photo courtesy @cclaichic
- Pursebop posted 3 years ago
- last edited 7 months ago