The Dior Fall 2020 bags looked very familiar. No, not inspired by some other designer. Rather, the purses were variations on its already popular bags. In short, they were largely the same bags seen for Spring 2020 and Pre-Fall 2020.
As a result, if you love the Book Tote, Saddle bag, Camp Messenger, and the 30 Montaigne line, then this is for you. Die-hard Lady Dior fans will be particularly pleased to see this classic populate the runway, in fabrics including velvet. All of these bags scream Dior – whether by design, logo or imprint of the actual words “Christian Dior.”
On the other hand, if you’d hoped for something truly new, there was only one. With clean lines and a retro look, Dior showed a ladylike, single handle, top-clasp, trapezoidal tote.
Book Tote
For those keeping count, Dior’s Book Tote graced the Fall 2020 runway more than any other single style. Not surprisingly, the classic large size ruled. But don’t worry if you like a more petite tote – there were smaller models too.
Dior showed many fabrications and colors. Patterns include the oblique logo, carnage, and camouflage. Naturally, autumn hues dominate – brown, tan, green, wine. Based on past runways, we assume the bags shown are just the tip of the iceberg for options. Perhaps the most interesting is an upscale fishnet version. As a bonus, this could be a chance to match your bag to your pantyhose!
Saddle Bag
The recently resurrected Saddle Bag remains in the Dior lineup for Fall 2020. Shown slung over the back with a thick strap or hand held, this style includes both a short thin strap as well as a longer thick one. Like the Book Tote, for this season, these bags are shown in fabric rather than leather.
Camp Messenger
Similarly, the Camp Messenger bag returned to the runway. Essentially this bag rounds out the casual fabric trio (Book Tote, Saddle, Messenger). For example, fabrication options are the same as the others. Simply put, it’s more of the delightful same.
The Lady Dior is back in a big way. Not that it was ever really gone. However, it has seen its popularity wax and wane over the two-plus decades since it was introduced. The Lady Dior launched in 1994, albeit without a name. In 1995, then first-lady of France Bernadette Chirac gifted a black leather one to Princess Diana. Thereafter the Lady Dior (or Lady Di) became one of Princess Diana’s favorite handbag styles. Over the years, she was seen with many.
For Fall 2020, Dior continued to casualize (if that’s a word) the Lady Dior. Spring 2020 saw the bag evolve with an earthy vibe – thick straps and different hued denims. Now, the trend continues with soft, lush fabrics like velvet (and what looks like suede) that smooth the bag’s more formal lines.
30 Montaigne
Dior continues to expand its 30 Montaigne line. The CD metal motif unites this collection of varied shapes and sizes. For example, there are handheld, cross-body and shoulder strap choices. Bags are medium-, small- and even micro mini-sized. Fabrics include leather, suede/shearling and velvet. In addition, a new model joined the group. It is a saddle-ish shape crossbody bag with 30 Montaigne styling and whipstitching.
For lack of an actual name, we are calling this just what it is: a structured ladylike bag. With clean leather lines, a top closure . . . it is minimalistic. However, it also reminds us our grandma’s purse . . . or something Queen Elizabeth (or Ashley Olsen) might carry. On the other hand, we just might not be cool enough for this.
Are you a fan of Dior’s tried and true handbags? For example, are you tempted by the choice of color, fabric and pattern? On the other hand, would you prefer something completely different? Let us know.
Love, PurseBop
Updated: March 9th, 2020