If you are anything like us, you’ve made handbag purchasing errors. Bought a new bag and quickly tired of it. Or realized that it’s just not for you. Yeah, us too. Alternatively, the handbag completed your special ensemble for a special event. You no longer need the bag if you won’t repeat the outfit. Typically, in any of these scenarios, you can re-home that bag, though often by taking a huge risk and financial loss.
But what if you could buy and try a bag with a guarantee that if it’s returned within three months you get back 75% of what you paid? That’s FASHIONPHILE’s latest offer to prospective buyers. Of course, it’s all subject to the bag remaining in good condition, but we expect no less from the PB community.

If you keep the bag for longer than three months, you still can sell it back to FASHIONPHILE. Recoupment is just less. Plus… you can get an extra 10% if you take payment as a store credit or Neiman Marcus gift card.
Don’t believe us? Here it is straight from the horse’s mouth; rather, the FASHIONPHILE website.
FASHIONPHILE Refresh Periods:
- Sell back in 0-3 months and receive 75% of your purchase price.
- Sell back in 4-6 months and receive 70% of your purchase price.
- Sell back in 7-12 months and receive 65% of your purchase price.
We decided to play out a few scenarios and see what it would “cost” to use a bag and then sell it back to FASHIONPHILE.
Epsom Kelly Sellier 25 Black
You bought this K25 because the world is mini crazy and it is near impossible to get this one at Hermès. But it’s simply too small for you and your sanitizing necessaries. Almost immediately it’s evident that the K28 would have been a better choice. Of course, you can try to sell it on your own to the highest bidder. Or sell it back to FASHIONPHILE for $14,437.50, hassle free.

HERMES Epsom Kelly Sellier 25 Black
Monogram Multi Pochette Accessories Kaki
Your only option for getting this sought-after bag was FASHIONPHILE. The Louis Vuitton boutiques had long waitlists and couldn’t promise to deliver. You happily use it for a few months but, as often happens, now you are totally over it. Instead, your eyes and heart wander to the new LV Coeur bag. Since you paid $2755, if you’re within three months of purchase, you get back $2066, to apply toward your new object of desire. If, however, you loved and used it longer – lets say five months – then you can sell back FASHIONPHILE for $1928.50.

LOUIS VUITTON Monogram Multi Pochette Accessories Kaki
You fell for the hype, and with holidays approaching, this darling Chanel seemed to be the perfect blingy bag. As luck would have it, by the time you decided Chanel boutiques were all sold out. FASHIONPHILE to the rescue… offering the exact bag for $5295. Like so many of us, after a couple of months, you began dreaming of a new perfect Chanel mini, this time in a neutral color. All you need to do is sell it back to FASHIONPHILE. You get $3971 (or $4368 if you take store credit) to put towards another handbag (or something else).

FASHIONPHILE Authenticator in action.
Have you taken advantage of FASHIONPHILE’s buyback program? Does it make you more comfortable with those big ticket purchases? Let us hear from you.
Love, PurseBop
Updated: November 13th, 2020