Pick all THREE and you are the WINNER …
Mr. Lagerfeld’s SPRING ‘trifecta’ is ‘perfecta’ for fuchsia lovers!
One might dream and long for just one perfect Chanel pink, but to be presented with three versions AND all in one season, is as rare as the Triple Crown last won by Secretariat in 1973.
PurseBop takes you to Millionaire’s Row for “The Greatest Two Minutes in Sports”
Millionaire’s Row at Kentucky Derby (from left to right):
Chanel Jumbo Patent 14S A58600 Y06830 Fuchsia
Chanel Boy Small Patent 14S A67085 Y08721 Pink
Chanel M/L Lambskin 14S A01112 Y01480 Fuchsia
I anxiously anticipated this photo shoot all week long in hopes of a perfect sunny day in order to capture the color variances acurately, but Mother Nature had all kinds of ‘APRIL showers’ in store for me. But as they say, “the show must go on…”
No rain yet, but a rather ominous sky…
I have introduced two of our three fuchsia contenders here in earlier posts and touched on what I coined ‘THE PINK PREDICAMENT’. The common conundrum faced by all fuchsia frenzy patrons this season has been lambskin versus patent. As if this was not enough to digest, Karl added a third variable to the quandary. Let’s review a bit so we are all on the ‘same page’.
The February post titled ‘The Fuchsia Frenzy’ captures the arrival of the lambskin, and then more recently I briefly introduced the Masters Patent Champion ‘PINK POWER ‘ . Today I add the 3rd contender, the metallic pink BOY in small (pictured first in natural gloomy daylight, then with flash). It’s a ‘standout’ shade, one that demands a salute upon arrival! It really does glow in any light. Karl created the most formidable collection of metallic patent colors that converted many BOY bag ‘admirers’ into ‘buyers’.
I must admit I have not used mine yet, and I anticipate he might be a bit more difficult to incorporate into one’s wardrobe beyond the ‘POP’ color of any look. I do wish I had opted for a larger size, but back when I leaped onto the fuchsia frenzy train, I was thinking ‘diversity’ of size, more than practicality. Perhaps one will turn up somewhere for me ;)
This reminds me of a recent dialog I had… Firstly, I must share with you, that I that absolutely love when my readers reach out and email me… sometimes with questions, sometimes to chat and very often, to simply ‘BOP by and say hello! I have made some incredible PurseBop friends whose advice and conversations I cherish!
So in the heat of this ‘pink predicament’, one of my dear readers who was trying to make her own selection sent me an email, asking about my preferences for each fuchsia fabrication, and why? Specifically, she wanted to know my reasons for buying a second fuchsia classic that looked nearly identical from the comparison pictures I posted to my Instagram account. This was my response…
“Despite the comparison photos that we have seen, where both the lambskin and patent fuchsias look very similar , in my opinion, there is a distinct difference in the type of pink ‘VIBE’ that each gives off. Lambskin being slightly more “POP of color” than the patent…
I’ll skip ahead right to what I think: The patent fuchsia is an EASIER pink to assimilate into ones rotation of bags, it’s softer, less dramatic. I have been using it on and off for weeks now. I am still dressing in blacks/greys/reds with no real spring yet in sight, however this patent of mine has managed to stay with me and NOT feel out of place with almost anything I’ve worn. It’s not just the ease of color that has allowed this, it is the FABRICATION that makes it an easy ‘up and go bag’. It’s an effortless pink and I am going to take a leap in Chanel faith and call it THE NEUTRAL PINK(as compared to the lambskin version). The patent is bright, vibrant, and easier to work with. The very reason I felt the desire to add the patent fuchsia to my collection despite the lambskin version just weeks ago. I know that the lambie will be more of an occasional/formal use bag and she is still resting in my Chanel armoire in what I call the ‘admiration’ phase. I will be able to better reassess once she makes her debut into PurseBop’s rotation, LOL. I AM obsessed with all things PINK this season, and now I have aPINK option for all occasions. (Let’s just hope PurseBop never outgrows this PINK ROMANCE).
Having given this lengthy explanation, if I were to answer you based solely on ‘color preference’, I would pick the more saturated lambskin.
I hope this somewhat helps you with your PINK Predicament…
And ultimately I will say this to you, there is no right or wrong my friend, BUY WHAT YOU LOVE, and WHAT SINGS TO YOU…”
Churchill Downs Kentucky Derby is the ‘hottest fashion show in town’…It’s one of the greatest ‘people-watching’ events of the world. It has become a place ‘to see and be seen’. Top view of the ‘infamous’ hats, (LOL… get it?)
and the side…
There’s a sentimental hush in the crowd as the the marching band plays “My Old Kentucky Home”, a cherished Churchill Downs tradition as the horses parade their way from the paddock to the starting gate…
the jockeys make their final adjustments…
the horn sounds…
and we are off…
…it’s the “Run of the ROSES”
Who will win the ‘The Purse?’, no one knows…no pun intended!
FACT: in horse racing, the term ‘The Purse ‘refers to the total amount of money paid out to the owners of horses racing at a particular track.
The Fuchsia Trifecta: Who are you betting on?
Good luck to Rosie Napravnik who will attempt to make history by becoming the first female jockey to ever win a Kentucky Derby…

Updated: May 19th, 2017