Part I: Hermès Double Dip Anniversary Surprise

“Happy wife, happy life” has been my mantra forever, but it’s hard to accomplish in July when her birthday and our anniversary fall within a week of each other. A perfect orange-boxed surprise has always been my savior, but with each passing year, the selection, acquisition, and maintaining secrecy have become increasingly challenging.

This year’s Hermès surprise was especially thrilling because it was completely unexpected for Monika.

Our longstanding relationship with our dear Hermès sales associate, spanning a decade, has been invaluable and she knows her preferences more so than I do. But together we pulled it off this year with a double H dip. I can’t wait to see her reaction.

– Mr. PurseBop

I’m writing this article in as close to real time as I may have ever. Today is July 19, our wedding anniversary. Six days ago, July 13, was my birthday. Growing up, I never liked my birthday because, since it fell during the school summer holiday, it wasn’t celebrated it in school where I could be the special student of the day like my peers experienced on their birthdays. You know how important these little things are when you’re young. Truthfully I can’t remember if the concept of half birthday existed when I was in grade school. A decade or so later and to compound issues, my wedding day would fall exactly one week after my birthday. My younger self felt this was disadvantageous because everything celebratory would be done within a span of one week and then I would need to wait for the next July.

I am sure that over the many years of my marriage I have expressed this (repeatedly perhaps) to Mr. Pursebop. To his credit, he has made our Julys extra special. And this year is no different. 

Last Friday, I received a delivery, a Ferrari delivery no less, and a text from Mr. Pursebop that read like this: 

I only recently became familiar with this term, or more like a service coined, Ferrari delivery. It’s a delivery carrier that many brands use to secure high-value goods. Think jewelry, watches, and, of course, expensive bags. What makes the service unique is that it requires an in-person delivery and the recipient must present ID before the item is turned over. My first Ferrari experience was in December 2022 when I received Miss Mimosa for Christmas. Another Incredible surprise plotted between my Hermès sales associate and my dedicated hubby. 

Read also: Part II: Revealing My First Exotic Hermès Mini Kelly, Mimosas Anyone?

It’s been exactly seven days today since I accepted delivery, and seven days of me staring at the sealed package resting in the corner of my bedroom. Mr. Pursebop stated very clearly last Friday that I would need to wait till our anniversary to open this mysterious package. Thankfully, it’s been an extremely busy week with a wedding celebration that spanned all of last weekend, followed by a formal reception on Monday, then on Tuesday was the Heritage Auctions Chicago yacht cocktail event, and a one-day trip to New York City on Wednesday. Due to an eight-hour travel delay I didn’t return to Chicago’s O’Hare Airport until 3am Thursday. So really yesterday, Thursday was the first day that I could indulge myself contemplating and anticipating this year‘s birthday anniversary treat.

Over the last many years, our Hermès sales associate has become quite close, if not closer, to Mr. PurseBop than to me. It really is very special that the two of them together orchestrate these novel-worthy surprises for me. 

This morning, when my eyes first opened, I reached over to Mr. PB to wish him a Happy Anniversary. He flung his left arm out, I clapped it with my right, and quickly snapped this unconventional photo that I share with you here. It was pretty early, I’d say it was about 6:45 am. We snuggled and fell back asleep for a bit. Our morning schedules are very different so I can’t say which one of us typically gets out of bed first, but today Mr. PurseBop popped out first. He immediately changed his clothing, a departure from his usual routine. From the closet, he told me in no uncertain terms that I was to stay in bed until he got back from a necessary errand. It was really cute. Obviously, I assumed he was going to pick up coffee, or something of that sort. So I obliged, rolled over, and just lay back, reflecting on life, the many blessings, the ups and downs…. It was like a movie of images, jumping from different stages of our lives, some recent, and some dated as far back as our earliest meetings. Life with one’s partner, for those of us that are blessed to have found one, are never a straight road. Embracing those twists and turns are just part and parcel of it all. 

He wasn’t gone long, I did get up to brush and go through my morning rituals, and before I knew it, I heard the door chime and quickly jumped back into bed to make it look as though I had never left. I heard some paper rumblings as he entered the room, but played dumb as though I was sleeping. It just seemed to be the romantic thing to do. 

I was facing away from whatever he was orchestrating on my nightstand. I was overcome with all those fuzzy feels. He’s a simple man really. I have certainly rubbed off on him and the fact that he willingly indulges all my whims is a real testament to his giving nature. He’s never clipped my wings, always encouraged me to explore and soar. We are opposites in so many ways. He’s the constant rock, steady. I live and breathe creativity and somehow manage to entangle it (successfully) with my entrepreneurial spirit.  

He then gently touched my right cheek and I turned my head. As I opened my eyes, I saw a small orange box, a combination of white unbloomed tulips, and what looked like three white roses. I smiled broadly. I also saw the Whole Foods bag, two of our Versace tea cups with matching saucers, my favorite berry custard cupcake, and a Dunkin’ Donuts styrofoam coffee cup. He had planned all of this and I was so touched, beyond any words. I reached for my phone to capture as much as I could organically just as he was creating the scene. 

As I was photographing and taking short videos, I noticed that my Ferrari bag was still intact, and sealed. This little orange box clearly had not come as a part of the Ferrari delivery. To say I was intrigued is an understatement. All of these observations were being carefully tabulated in my mind while he was stumbling to fill our coffee cups all while keeping my nightstand a perfect picture-worthy scene.

We sipped our coffees and he said “go ahead – open it.” I had a million questions… “but first tell me —when did you get this” and “if this is my gift, what’s in the Ferrari package?” 

One would assume that if it were a fine jewelry item, it would have surely come within the Ferrari package. In any case, I handed him my phone to record, first checking he had the correct angle to capture footage of my hands doing the unboxing. Trust me, you have no idea of the supervision required lol. Mr. PB’s camera skills have improved dramatically, but I didn’t want to lose this moment in any sort of mishap. So in all transparency, we did do a little test video, lol.

I proceeded to untie the ribbon, fumbling with the box a bit till I finally managed to figure out how to lift the cover. I paused, lost in the moment really. I just stared at the spectacular piece before me. The Hermès Double Adage Ring 💍 in the larger size (there’s a much smaller version on the website).

So, so different from all of my other rings. Remember the last was my Van Cleef and Arpels Lotus Ring a few years ago (also on a special anniversary). It was my first VCA piece and we know where that slippery road has traveled since. I am a ring girl – a statement ring girl – and always have been. This piece has a vibe, a modern almost rocker chic cool girl vibe. A statement ring in every sense of the word. It spans two fingers and even from afar, the dazzling diamonds and unique design could catch anyone’s eye. Not to mention, there’s well over three carats weight in diamonds.

Read also: PurseBop Dips Her Finger in Van Cleef & Arpels

I had first discovered this ring in May 2023. I loved it from the moment I slid it onto my fingers. It’s DRAMA to the core which is what I love in a ring. I am sure I have shared since then that it was a piece I would love to acquire someday, but certainly didn’t think this was the time. In fact, we joked about me demanding a push present –  a push present upon completion of the construction of our new home. And if I recall on one particular trip to New York City, it might have been the men’s show that we attended together in the fall of 2023, I showed him the ring in person. It’s not always in stock; in fact, it’s rarely available. 

I put down the box with all my oohs and ahhs and other sounds of delight. Then Mr. Pursebop reached for the ring, and this is the part that takes my breath away. He put it on my fingers as if we were renewing our vows. My heart was melting, literally. All of this while I was still sitting up in bed and he was standing. I wish someone could have captured the two of us – now that would have been something for our personal archives. 

It wasn’t a smooth fit at first as we were attempting this double finger ring for the first time (and perhaps early morning water retention might have played a role, haha). 

Mesmerized and emotional I wrapped my arms around him where he was standing just inches away from me. . .

Behind him still sat that blue not-yet-opened Ferrari bag. I burst out saying “do I get to open that now?” We giggled and there were many exchanges not appropriate to put in writing…. his reply, “yes you can open today, but later, before we head to the city for dinner” 

I never intended for this to be a two-part series, but you are witnessing how this is all unfolding. It’s not yet dinnertime so I’m still waiting. But, I’ve penned the story thus far and hopefully, I will be able to do the same tomorrow and share part two soon. 

I will surely extract more details over dinner and update here. I have much more footage to share so stay tuned and wish me luck 🍀 with unboxing #2. 

Till then signing off, 

Love your PB

Update July 21st @ 7pm CST – Part II is live.

What’s in the Hermès Anniversary Box Mr PurseBop?

Published: July 20th, 2024
Updated: July 27th, 2024

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