Escalation is defined as an increase in the intensity or seriousness of something; an intensification. We’ve all seen that person in store who immediately escalates their Birkin issues by screeching, “I want to speak to the manager! I’ve come to this store that sells Birkins and I cannot buy a Birkin”.
I’m sure many would agree that their shopping habits have escalated since joining Instagram, and everyone who has been collecting Hermes for a while has seen an escalation in the prices they pay. But what happens when you want to escalate your collection?

A bag that’s sure to escalate @stylishsheba’s fabulous collection rests in the box…
We all have an ever-changing, ever-evolving wish list with our sales assistants of bags we are hoping will find their way to our store so that they can give us that magic phone call. You know the one I mean. I have mine saved on my phone and it is constantly going through little amendments and updates, and getting flicked on to my SA. It currently has seven items on it, but that is a story for another time (Wish List Culling: how to keep your wish list primed and up to date).
When I first started my Hermès collection, all my heart desired was a pink Birkin. I am still completely infatuated with my little B25 Rose Sakura that checked off that box. Next I set my mind to obtaining a special order bag. I now have four in my collection, and one that hopefully an Hermès craftsman has just started work on. Each of these also has a splash of pink on them. Actually who am I kidding, I still find it very difficult to say no to a good pink, which is also a story for another time (Pink Addiction: when you know you have to stop and what to do about it).

@stylishsheba’s beloved Rose Sakura B25
Last year I felt like everything Hermès produced was not right for my collection. Rose Pourpre came out and I felt it was too similar to Anemone which I already have, then Magnolia came along, which I stared at and stared at and couldn’t help but think, “Is this not the same colour they just released?” Several shades of blue appeared, but I am still kicking myself for not snaring Bleu Atoll when I had the chance. Then came splashes of yellow, but Lime is the only colour I will be happy with from that family. So maybe, just maybe was it time to try my luck with exotics?
I have always been chasing a Himalaya and originally considered that to be the one croc I would break the bank for. I have consistently been told that this is out of the collection at this time and cannot be ordered, so that dream has been put on the back burner. Then I thought that I would special order a croc (I have already picked out the exact specifications). However, I have asked four times and been rejected four times, being told my store does not have an allocation for an exotic special order at this time.

My mind then turned to a plain coloured croc, but any croc would not do. Birkins are always my preference, so a Kelly would not cut it for me. Hardware never fazes me as I mix and match my jewellery between gold, white gold and rose gold. I have been completely consumed by the mini craze and could not contemplate a bag bigger than the 25. It seems to be true that people currently favour the older colours, and I am no different. I had four very specific options on my croc list in no order of importance:
- Rose Scheherazade
- Vert Emeraude
- Braise
- Noir
Then the wait began for me to find my perfect match. Can you guess which colour arrived?

Officially unboxed! @stylishsheba



Presenting my Birkin 25 Crocodile Niloticus Lisse in Noir with Gold Hardware because black is always in fashion!



Tell us how much you adore @stylishsheba‘s bag below! What’s on your wishlist?
Read related articles:
5 Facts You Didn’t Know About Hermès Special Orders
Hermes Special Order Story from BopTalk Celebrity StylishSheba
Five Reasons the Hermes Mini Trend is Here to Stay
What’s Your Holy Grail Bag?

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Updated: April 22nd, 2019