InstaBop with Me!

It took me a while to get going, but lately I’m OBSESSED with Instagram. As you know, I already take my photography very seriously, but Instagram has inspired me to experiment with different compositions, subject matters, and finishing techniques. It is a place for me to share moments in my day that don’t necessarily fit into the blog’s themed posts. In addition to engaging with my fellow fabulous fashionistas, I’ve found so many interesting folks with a diverse range of interests (puppies, food, gardening, shoes and yes EVEN BAGS, LOL…). It’s reassuring to know that PurseBop isn’t the only crazy ‘bopper’ out there! Please enjoy some of my recent favorites that I have reposted from my Instagram account, and this is a mere sampling…there are many more!
I promise to keep them coming  :)

Jungle Fever

Pink Power
InstabopwithMe (8)

“To Bling” OR “Not To Bling” …that is the question?
InstabopwithMe (4)

For the LOVE of RED…
InstabopwithMe (2)


“Don’t ask me why…”
InstabopwithMe (1)

Monday Morning Ritual…
InstabopwithMe (7)

Friday #ootn
InstabopwithMe (5)

I guess I do LOVE anything CHANEL…even garbage cans
InstabopwithMe (3)

There’s a #hashtag story with each pic…grab your device and join me @Pursebop!

Love PurseBop

Published: July 29th, 2013
Updated: November 20th, 2014

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