Here on PurseBop, we have a passion for all bags of every size, shape, and color. Handbags effortlessly give our outfits that perfect look. However, we can’t forget that our purses help organize all our essentials and literally hold our lives together!
Recently, there’s been an explosion of “what’s in my bag?” pictures hashtagged to #purseboppicks. Our @purseboppicks and @boptalk instagram families love to share our most loved items, recent finds, and cannot-live-without essentials. We’re all curious about the secret weapons every fashionista is toting, so PurseBop wants to create a special place to do just that. It’s time to honor the unsung heroes of the handbag world, and highlight what’s IN our bags too! We are taking the “what’s in my bag?” challenge to BopTalk.
Here's an up-close look at "What's in PurseBop's bag?!"...

PurseBop’s “what’s in my bag” details:
Miu Miu Matelasse Bag
Valentino Rockstud Flats – chic and comfortable!
Favorite Items
- Chanel wallet purchased at Neiman Marcus
- Karlito Iphone Case
- Chanel pressed powder for on the go touch-ups
- Chanel Ultra-Hydrating Lipstick (Gabrielle is the perfect pop of color red!)
- Yves Saint Laurent Touche Éclat – the MAGIC makeup fix
Now it’s YOUR turn…
Join the conversation on BopTalk by posting a “what’s in my bag” picture, creating a list of items you carry, or making a collage of your bag essentials. Don’t be afraid to jump in, fellow boppers are eager to hear your advice. This can be the ultimate ‘what should I bring or buy for my bag’ guide. If you were ever stumped on what to carry on the go, on a night out, or even for travel, BopTalk is the perfect place to learn.
This next week's round of @PurseBopPicks's will be exclusively "What's in Your Bag?" themed! Here's how to participate:
- Take or use an old “what’s in my bag?” picture or make a collage of items you use, which can easily be done through websites like Polyvore.
- Create an account on BopTalk if you haven’t already and post your picture. Remember to include your IG handle.
- We will feature all pictures from on all of our instagram accounts. Only pictures from BopTalk will be eligible for this week’s contest. However, feel free to share your shots on instagram and hashtag them to #purseboppicks and #boptalk afterwards.
- Remember these “what’s in my bag?” shots are meant to be fun and informative! Get more involved and make a list of the items in your bag for easy reference.
- Keep posting to BopTalk throughout the weekend and all of next week. Finalists will be chosen Friday, July 10th. Winner will be determined by Sunday, July 12th at 5 pm
- And just for fun PurseBop will honor our winner with a secret surprise!!
Now head to the threads to view other eye candy and start posting! CLICK HERE!
Love PurseBop
Review PurseBop’s #nestingbags concept and my new Chanel mini for the “whats in the bag challenge” (that I am totally loving btw!).

Updated: May 18th, 2017
1 Responses to “It’s Time to Share What’s in YOUR Bag?!”
loved your what´s in my bag!!! I´ve always read wonders about the Touche Éclat, guess it really is that great :) thanks for sharing!!! xoxo