The spending habits of the rich and famous have been the object of fascination and scrutiny for centuries. None have caused more scandal and outrage than the spending of those individuals involved in the political sphere. From Marie Antoinette to Jackie Kennedy to François Hollande, the general population is always interested to know how those in a positions of power spend money on themselves and whether this behavior is ethical.

Courtesy of Indiewire
The latest is Louise Linton, a Scottish actress and producer, and the wife of Steven Mnuchin, the acting U.S. Treasury Secretary. Inspiring headlines such as “Treasure secretary’s wife boasts of travel on government plane, touts Hermès and Valentino fashion,” “Mnunchin Wife Goes Full Marie Antoinette in Instagram Meltdown“ and the nickname “Treasury Barbie,” Linton has come under criticism for posting an Instagram with all her luxury items tagged and emphasized such as her Hermès Birkin bag and Valentino shoes.
Linton has also been criticized for a long rant against an Instagram detractor on the post, which you can read more about here. But basically, Linton took “defensive” approach in her response by commenting on her family’s wealth, the ample taxes they pay, and many financial “sacrifices” they make.

Courtesy of CNN

Courtesy of @yashar via Twitter

Courtesy of Washington Life magazine
Apart from her response to the post and other statements she has made, much of the writing on Linton has criticized her post as “Instabragging” and inconsiderate of her audience and her role as wife of the Treasure Secretary.
Linton has publicly apologized for the post in the cover story for Washington Life magazine and stated, “I one hundred percent embrace the comments of my critics and I concede wholeheartedly that the post was boastful and materialistic.”
We couldn’t help but wonder, what you, members of the PurseBop jury think about this.
Is this public attack on Linton’s Instagram posts deserved? Did she need to apologize or explain herself? Is she being attacked because she’s a woman? Or does her place as a government official’s wife demand that she be more discreet?
Updated: September 18th, 2017
12 Responses to “Louise Linton: Rightfully Shamed for Sporting Hermès?”
ok…I’m not defending her or anyone but don’t you guys think its a bit condescending to criticize someone for doing something we have made celebrities out of normal people for doing the exact same thing? We have made celebrities and “influencers” out of regular Joes due to their posts on Instagram in which they tag the brands they’re wearing ….in fact social media and Instagram in specific is all about that and more likely than not every Instagram user tagged the brand they’re wearing, the restaurant they’re eating at or the place they’re staying for vacation so why do we come and criticize someone for doing this exact same thing just because of their husband’s position or we do not agree with her/him politically? Chill and take it out of context she’s just a woman happy with her holy grail bag…who wouldn’t be?
I don’t think it is unethical, but it is in bad taste. It’s not that she’s coming off a private plane for a personal or commercial venture: it’s that the airplane is Air Force One–paid for and supported by the American taxpayers–and her role in this situation WAS ostensibly for government business.
Society has always been quick to judge – thanks to tech, anonymity & commercial news/opinions travel at light speed. TMI TMO (too many opinions)
Power and “riches” (the moneyed kind) have *always* been synonymous in western(ized) cultures, so this is nothing new –nor is any lack of tact of the possessor new, either
I personally love to celebrate the good fortune of others and love seeing lovely things of others’, but that in itself is a luxury to afford – literally and figuratively. When your cup is empty, it’s just empty.
There is great wealth in tact and discretion. In this viral day and age, even that is a bigger challenge, that can’t always be held against the possessor.
Having said that, the government jet and all its trappings/costs etc make her personal handbag choice, which can be construed as of her own financial sources, small change
It is her position as the wife of a government official that is the problem. She needs to change her ways while her hubby is in the job.
I don’t think she was deserving of all the criticism nor do I think she needed to apologize. What if she worked for Vogue or some other role in fashion? Why should her husband’s job dictate whether or not she can post and tag Hermes on Instagram. I’ve done it, does that make me a horrible person? I don’t think being the spouse of a government official has to limit your fashion choices and personal Instagram account. Who is harmed by this?? Seriously, I think the critics should focus on North Korea and not on her Birkin Bag… #petty
I think it’s a lack of intelligence and style to behave such as she did and her husband probably reminded her of the respect she owes him and his job and she made him look really bad..maybe her background before being an
actress is such that like many others wealth got to her head preventing her from thinking, sorry not much respect for someone like that and the damage is done… great article @pursbop, as always ❤️❤️
I totally agree with you!!!
I agree with you completely too!!
Agree. I don’t think this story would have received nearly as much attention had Louise Linton not chosen to respond to the criticism in such a condescending manner. Her original post was in poor taste imo since she was representing the government, but her response about “sacrifice” and sarcastically calling her critic “cute” and “adorable” was the bigger problem.
In bad taste because she was stepping off a government plane, paid for by taxpayers as she did the bragging. Then she was tasteless enough to rant against someone who pointed out that her bragging was in bad taste.
But she doesn’t work for Vogue, and yes, her husband’s job does dictate whether or not she can post and tag. Just as being FLOTUS does.
I can understand the frustration surrounding the debate over Louise Linton wearing Hermès, especially in a world where luxury and exclusivity can often feel out of touch with the realities of everyday life. That being said, it’s important to recognize that brands like Hermès have become symbols of status, and while some may see it as distasteful, others view it as a personal choice. The conversation around this kind of thing often gets clouded by emotions, but it can also serve as an opportunity to explore what it means to value things in our society. For those interested in more flexible, affordable options in today’s world, platforms like are a great way to access live sports events without the hefty price tag of traditional subscriptions. It’s a convenient, cost-effective solution for anyone looking to catch the game without commitment.