It’s finally time for me to share a story – not a story of yesterday or last week but one from back in early January…

I’ve been obsessed with the Kelly since my love affair with Miss Noir. If you recall we had an entire Hermes week (which turned into an entire month…) with history and educational posts, Hermes travel tips, Hermes exotic discussions, you name it and we talked about it here on the site. Well, there was some behind the scenes Hermes PurseBop action going on too. My blog posts at that time were a reflection of a deep seeded hunger to educate myself on everything I possibly could. Remember on @PurseBopPicks we were hash tagging and featuring all kinds of Kelly’s, both retourne and sellier… #PurseBopsGoneKellyCrazy
We all wait for that special call from our Hermes sales associate to share the news of a new arrival. A new beacon of hope and excitement! Well I received that call on a stormy late Thursday afternoon. The news delivered from the other end of the phone sounded like the adults in the Peanuts cartoon “…blah bla blah ba blah ba blah.” I can’t really recall his exact words, I just know that my body temperature rose and my cheeks were flush with excitement.
Let me refresh your memory a bit: my first Kelly was miss Noir, a K32 in togo PHW. I purchased it last fall, but didn’t actually debut it until February of this year. We covered the reasons why extensively, so I will not repeat myself, but in a nutshell I am usually a brights and GHW girl. But having said that, I am in LOVE with Miss Noir and am delighted I chose to follow my SA’s advice and make ‘her’ mine. But he knew that the next had to be a dream POP color with shiny golden nuggets for bells and buckles. Ok let’s get back on track…

What he offered to me was somewhat of a choice between 2 bags: a Birkin or possibly a Kelly. The Birkin was mine if I wanted it, and the Kelly was still an unconfirmed possibility.
Both choices sent me into little squeals of joy, but I would be called back if the Kelly could be mine. I was doing the happy dance across my kitchen floor & as usual Kongo (our shephard), was looking at me with that look of complete dismay, rolling his eyes kinda look, like OMG (here she goes again…). I so often feel he gives me that ‘grandpa’ look of disapproval when I behave unconventionally by his standards.
The first call was to Mr. PurseBop (who of course understandably did not answer between patients). We had just returned from our family Xmas cruise so the first days back at work were a nightmare. I had to reach him to convey two important things. Firstly, my total excitement & secondly, and more importantly, the urgent need to reschedule his office to insure he would accompany me to the city the next day (It had to be Friday as Sat we were hosting a dinner party at home).
I had no intention of repeating my Miss Noir scene of going alone. I wanted to make an evening out of it with Mr. PurseBop and savor the excitement and moment with him. I left him a voicemail and knowing me, I must have sent several animated text messages full of happy dance move emoticons.
There was a special significance to this purchase – Mr. PurseBop already touched upon it in his BopTalk letter. This bag was slated to be a token of new beginnings, BopTalk beginnings. Of course with Hermes we never knew when the treasure would arrive, but, whenever it did, it would mark a tradition that Mr. PurseBop started 12 years ago with the launch of my first company.
On Friday the hours would not pass fast enough. As late afternoon approached, the weather grew worse and worse. Hubby promised to be home in time to leave to make it to Hermes before closing at 6pm. I knew with the bad weather the traffic and road conditions would be a disaster. But there was nothing I could do except wait patiently. I stood ready and rearing to go (trust me, I was pacing at the back door). It was very late by the time he arrived and reaching in time would be a miracle really. If we didn’t make it, putting it off until Monday was risky and mostly, heart-breaking.
We set out to try regardless… I tried to reach my SA to let him know we were on our way but sadly no answer.

Driving Conditions: poor
Traffic: terrible

We luckily found parallel parking right outside, but the time was just minutes before the clock struck SIX…

My eyes were peeled for activity inside…but the store looked closed from the side door…

And from the front too…uh oh…

I couldn’t bare to try the big steel door handles myself in fear that they were locked. I turned away and covered my squinting eyes just like I do in a scary movie scene…
I dreaded the next words to be uttered from Mr. Pursebop as I stood waiting and face turned…
Eureka, hubby said “hurry-up”,” do you want this baby or not?” It was like music to my ears. The store was pin drop silent, I assume everyone was ready to leave and I felt guilty for holding everyone. My SA approached with a big radiant smile and acknowledged he received my message and graciously held his hand up directing us up towards the staircase. I was soooooo ecstatic, it was like taking the stairway to heaven, Hermes heaven. I knew the routine. I knew exactly where to wait…

Mr. PurseBop was pleased. He had that look we get in our eyes when a loved one is truly happy, I’m sure he was selfishly relieved too, LOL else it was going to be a looonnnggg night. As I squealed with excitement, I hugged hubby for what seemed like an eternity that our SA was gone. No one else was in sight. It was a stormy dreary but very happy Friday night.
The sealed magnificent orange box arrived, plastic completely in tact. It was all a blur, I was so focused, that even I, PurseBop, the queen of pictures totally forgot to lift my camera. It was a paralyzing moment of handbag bliss…the unveiling: that gentle sound of silk papers turning to reveal the herringbone dustbag, then the glimpse of those heavy brown ropes that hold us from the first glimpse of the leather, then the handle (or handles, LOL). I was mesmerized, totally speechless. I quite honestly don’t remember anyone or anything else in that space for those moments…
No words needed to be spoken, it was all written across my face. I touched, admired for maybe 5 seconds, lifted her gently and carried her to the mirror… I gazed at ‘only her’ in the reflection of my hands… I looked up for hubby’s loving eyes… it was game over.

It wasn’t till after she was tucked away again that my spell broke and I remembered that I should have taken pictures as I always had before. Perhaps it was better this way, because that exchanged look with Mr. PurseBop was worth a thousand shots and is now forever etched in my memory.

Hand in hand, we proceeded to the ground floor… the financials took but a matter of moments, and we would be on our way…

As Mr. PurseBop shook hands like an official business deal had been done, and the guards moved towards the locked doors, I took this picture to document a very pleased PurseBop…

We paused outside the doors to take a breath… the entire process took less than fifteen minutes I think, as it was shortly after the hour. Mr. PurseBop held the new treasure while I snapped pictures of the stores arctic themed windows.

When I was sure I had taken all the pictures I needed to document my PurseBop journal, hubby walked over and stood tightly in my space. As as he handed over the box, he whispered firmly these loving words,
“This you will open and proudly use on the day you launch BopTalk. May it mark a new beginning and accompany you on your many adventures, my dear PurseBop…”
A moment carved in my heart forever…

When we were all buckled in I turned to take the same shot I did with my first Birkin…

and yes I even documented my PurseBop IG with this picture as we pulled away…

The celebratory evening was filled with drinks at Soho Club, donuts, laughter and romance. “Miss BopTalk” was our secret, except for one very special friend that I “text messaged” a toast to that looked like something this:

So here you have it my beautiful friends, the story of miss BopTalk’s homecoming… Stay tuned for Part II this weekend!
To commemorate “Miss BopTalk” I will personally be on BopTalk to chat with you. Ask me anything…(except what SHE (the bag) is of course, LOL). Share your Hermes questions and thoughts, I am not an expert by any means, but I can share my personal experiences. Share your stories, or just drop by to say HI… I would love to hear from you!
Click here to join ME & Miss BopTalk! Let’s chat, ask me anything…
Read Part II: Miss BopTalk Joins PurseBop’s Hermes Family!
Lovingly, your PurseBop
Updated: May 18th, 2017
3 Responses to “Part I: The Hermes Reveal of Miss BopTalk”
I can’t wait to see!!!!!! :D
finally the REVEAL deed is done :)
Yes Mr. PurseBop is a keeper! haha just understood PS1 and PS2 coding :)
REVEAL accomplished! Thank you for your continuous encouragement & support always :)