My first two attempts in the infamous Hermes leather line are described in:
Part I: Are you there Hermes? It’s me, PurseBop.
Part II: PurseBop’s Hermes Super Bowl Squad
Let’s just say things didn’t improve much over the next few days. Actually, a bagging sense of panic and resignation had set in. Sure, the big items on my list were a Birkin or a Kelly (or both, LOL), but there were other pressing items on my H shopping list that I delayed. After B/K attempt number three I decided to get on with it. If it was meant to be it would happen regardless of my stressing and strategizing.. It was another reminder that ultimately we are at the mercy of the Hermes Gods.
Attempt 3 on the next day:
Time of Day: 11am
Duration In Line: 40 mins, many more people than before but the line moved quickly (I figured no stock means a quicker moving line).
Delivery Update: No delivery according to the sales associate I was randomly assigned ~ remember my SA was away on holiday.
Score: 0 ~ But I spotted and took note of a Jypsiere bag in Blue Paon ~ the most brilliant saturated shade of turquoise blue green color. I had loved the leather swatch I had seen of this blue while visiting Hermes New Delhi. Without even asking I was 99% sure that the Jypsiere was in Blue Paon.
Attempt 4 on the next day :
Time of Day: 3pm
Duration In Line: 30 mins, very few people waiting in front of me but a very slow moving line.
Delivery Update: No delivery again according to the new sales associate I was again randomly assigned ~ my SA was still away on holiday. Furthermore I was informed that although it was unusual for 2-3 days consecutive delivery-free days, it did happen occasionally and it was also quite possible shipments were being held back for couture fashion week which was the following Monday. As if this wasn’t bad enough, I also learned from my SA that Saturday deliveries were infrequent. As this was Friday and Saturday was to be my last H shopping day, I was feeling discouraged. This meant that even if I managed to connect with my SA, there may not be anything there for him to offer me.
Score: 1 ~ I needed to accept that my first visit to FSH might end without a big orange box… I confess I was frustrated and had not expected it to be this difficult. In any case I had had enough. After the B/K tango I asked my SA about the other bag ~ the Jypsiere I had seen in the case the day prior. She seemed unsure if it was available as it was no longer in the case. My heart really sank: I NOW wanted that bag. But I also really wanted to purchase it from my SA that I would see again the next day, Saturday morning.

Love at first sight… Hermes Blue Paon.
I had dreamed of a B or K in this brilliant new shade of Blue Paon but as my chances of that steadily faded, I was content with another handbag style on my shopping list in this color. Remember I shared with you about the reverse side of my Sofitel stationary… well this bag style, the Jypsiere was on it. I had wanted one on my last trip to France but couldn’t find a color I loved enough to take the plunge. The dollar saving of purchasing it in France made it more of a priority to purchase when/if I was traveling.
But wait, where was that bag that I had seen? Suddenly my prayers totally shifted from Birkins and Kellys ~ to Blue Paon Jypsiere?
My SA left me standing for what seemed like an eternity. I presume she was on the hunt because my voice had a serious sense of desperation by this point. I couldn’t help but feel silly for not having purchased it the day before. I truly was kicking myself. I was just so hung up on the whole B or K thing… and foolishly by some miracle imagining I would score a little Birkin 25 or Kelly 25 in this deep sea blue.
She returned and by some miracle this time had an orange box in her hand. It appeared to be the same size box as my K32’s but I knew it wasn’t that.. just saying.
I think my heart grew two sizes with joy (like the grinch who stole Christmas’s) when she uttered the words, “I found you one dear!”.
I knew from others’ experiences that Hermes did not hold items so I did not even bother asking and making a fool of myself. The only reason I had secretly wished I could was to be able to purchase it from my own sales associate the next morning. But I now knew what I should have already known; you buy what you like when you see it. You don’t ever take that chance if you really want something. We squared away payment, and the orange package was handed over to me. Something felt different, sort of incomplete…
I nodded to the security guards as I passed through. I was convinced they recognized me by now. As I was leaving through the side doors where I had met my SA on the first day, I thought to myself this might be it. The only bag I will get from FSH on this trip may in fact be this Jypsiere… so I really should take my traditional shot of the bag on the mosiac floor for my memory and handbag journal. I reluctantly turned… the guards both looking – I quickly uttered “may I take a picture of my bag on your floor?” I’m not quite sure they understood but proceeded to do my thing and then they both giggled when I showed them I got their toes in my picture.

Hermes, FSH side door. I realized later my picture was upside down… but I guess that will make this one unique from all the others, LOL

Hermes Jypsiere 28 in Blue Paon, Palladium Hardware.
Since this time around we are working in the reverse order, I’ll guide you through what to expect next:
- Part IV ~ The arrival of Miss MVP
- Part V ~ The Hermes Celebration
We have completed:
- Part I: Are you there Hermes? It’s me, PurseBop.
- Part II: PurseBop’s Hermes Super Bowl Squad
- Part III: Hermes FSH: The Struggle Is Real
Stay tuned, my favorite parts (and pictures) are yet to come!
Love PurseBop

Miss Caroline sitting pretty with the #PBSuperBowlSquad at Maple and Ash, Chicago.
Updated: May 18th, 2017
4 Responses to “Part III ~ Hermès FSH: The Struggle Is Real”
Oh happy day ☺️???? totally in LOVE with Miss Caroline ? Can’t wait to see her in action!!! And can’t wait for the sequel of the story! So exciting ?❤️???
I seriously enjoyed reading every sentense !!! Can not wait for part IV my friend
You can’t imagine the look on my husband’s face when the SA at FSH told us that they don’t have any bags to offer. It was our first trip to Paris and my husband wanted it to be memorable for me. We visited 2 other Hermes stores that day and even went back to FSH the second time to no avail. Angered and disappointed (and feeling like he was discriminated), we went inside the Cartier store nearby and he bought me a Love bracelet instead. Well, as they say, it’s the thought that counts. ?
You can’t imagine the look on my husband’s face when the SA at FSH told us that they don’t have any B or K to offer. It was our first trip to Paris and my husband wanted it to be memorable for me. We visited 2 other Hermes stores that day and even went back to FSH the second time to no avail. Angered and disappointed (and feeling like he was discriminated), we went inside the Cartier store nearby and he bought me a Love bracelet instead. Well, as they say, it’s the thought that counts. ?