We spend a lot of time talking about bags in the sense of their looks and benefits, but now it’s time to share the stories about our bags.
Today we’re starting a whole new series called “PurseBop Storytime”. For every storytime, there is a theme or question, and we encourage you to share all your related experiences and pictures on BopTalk and instagram (#pursebopstorytime). No need to be self-conscious about your writing skills, we just want you to share your experiences in the way you want to present them! Your stories can be short, long, funny, informative…it’s all up to you!
As a bonus, we will feature standout stories on the original storytime post.
PurseBop’s first official storytime theme is “What’s the worst thing that ever happened to your bag?” Oh the horror…a damaged, ruined bag is basically a handbag aficionado’s worst nightmare!
Here’s your storytime prompt:
As we found out in the recent bag personality quiz, most of us protect our bags pretty well because they are our prized possessions. When we’re out and about, we may take the extra pre-caution to move all liquids from the surrounding area of our bag or find a nice, safe spot for it away from chaos. However, sometimes our protective steps aren’t enough, and accidents DO happen. Tell us a story about a time that your bag got damaged. If you don’t have a shocking, catastrophic story that’s ok too! Even if your bag has been minimally damaged before, tell us what happened and how you took care of it. If you’re one of the lucky few with pristine bags, please do share all your helpful tips!
Helpful details to include:
- The worst event that’s happened to your bag
- Context
- Setting
- How it happened (was it your fault? Was it out of your control?)
- When it happened (how old was your bag? Did you just buy it?)
- Your reaction
- Were you angry, heartbroken, or relaxed about it?
- How much did the bag mean to you?
- Did you try to fix the damage? (is there a happy ending?!)
We hope you take the time to share your story because we’re simply dying to hear! Again this is supposed to be fun, so don’t be hesitant about participating!
To get the ball rolling, I’m going to share my story about the time…. my brand new birthday birkin, straight out of the box got wet in a swimming pool waterfall.

Note the time stamp at the top of the screen shot, LOL
Some of you may remember the reveal I shared this past July. It was particularily special to me as it was on my birthday and it was a Ghillies Bamboo birkin, a color I had longed for from the very start of my Hermes days. Read: The Perfect Birkin: Green, Ghillies & Gorgeous
Creating a fun reveal video and taking photographs is an integral part of the reveal process. All documented here in my handbag journal.
The day after my birthday I set out to meet my bestie to have her assist in the capture and thought her poolside backyard would make for the perfect back drop. After several video attempts we decided it would be best for her to unbox and I to do the recording. Success.
Click here to the see IG video. I insist… in order for you to understand where I am going with this. You’ll get a vibe from the atmosphere and a general sense of our mood. But above all you’ll pick up on my girlfriends’ s daring disposition. Please note the waterfall in the back ground, ugghhh. After the video I pranced around pool side taking the beautiful close up’s of the details you see in the original birthday blog post. All was just dandy till this point.

Water stunts with my birthday bamboo baby. Never again.
Next up: bestie had an idea to hide behind the wall of the waterfall but hold the birkin in front of the falling water to create the illusion of the birkin floating. It sounded ok, and with the mood and glorious setting we were in… what possibly could go wrong? After all I survived the video – her stunts of holding my new B over the pool with one finger, LOL.
Well…as I set my camera on my eye to focus and center the waterfall.. I gasped so loud I think my knees buckled. I could not see an even flow of water falling from behind my birkin. Was it even possible my birkin was touching the water? noooo, could my birkin be in the water fall, nooooo…. absolutely not, this couldn’t be happening, right? In the split second I took the picture I was simultaneously screaming her name to stop! But she was tucked behind the wall, behind the sound of running water… my worst nightmare was coming true. I kept thinking why this bag? it’s brand new? it’s swift on the trims – OMG. I only took one picture.
She heard me, stopped… looked at the bag and walked around towards me but then passed me and head towards the house without saying a word, still carrying my B. I knew this wasn’t a good sign but convinced myself to stay calm. I followed her in and got a glimpse of my wet birkin as she placed it on the counter. I wish I had the presence of mind to document the incident with pictures but that was far from my mind in this crucial moment.
She ran for paper towels as I examined the state of my new bamboo baby. I immediately remembered that a soft white towel for blotting would be better than paper towels. I knew that blotting rather than rubbing was the way to go here. I don’t think I said a word. The togo portion showed no water stain but the swift detailing on the side surely did. A million thoughts ran through my mind as I blotted lightly. My girlfriend suggested a blow dryer but I didn’t want to seal in any marks too quickly or create a outline of the water mark.
Fortunately the B only touched the water so the moisture had not penetrated deep through the leather but only on the surface. in a matter of 5 mins I could see the marks fading.
I tried to appear calm as I didn’t want her to feel bad – I should have known better than performing water stunts with a new birkin…LOL. I know she’s reading this now and we can laugh together but in that moment my heart was sinking.
I left her home heavy hearted but optimistic as I could see it start to fade. I was in no mood to take any further pictures that day. I just wanted to go home and sit alone and watch the marks vanish. Fortunately the swift dried up just fine and today I would have no idea where it even happened. I so wish I had taken pictures but blogging about my worst handbag nightmare was not the story I was after at all, LOL.
I can promise you, you’ll never see a water themed reveal from PurseBop ever again!
Please share your stories here on BopTalk.
We also experienced an overwhelming response here on Instagram -have a read through!
You can also email us your stories at [email protected]. It would be interesting for us to share and archive your stories here below.
I look forward to hearing about your handbag incidents… regardless of a happy or sad ending.
Love your PurseBop
(p.s. – my dear girlfriend – thank you for all the help and support over the years taking pictures with me… some of my fondest bag photos are with you, xo)
Updated: August 22nd, 2020
4 Responses to “PurseBop Storytime: Worst Thing That’s Ever Happened to Your Bag”
No way one can remember to capture the horror as soon as happens… oh my, I’d be devastated! Happy the story had a happy ending ❤
PS: Rocky is way too cute ????????
My sad story was with my Bk… first Bk 30 in my life, gold with ghw (all I ever wanted!) i just got it at the exact same day I was coming back home. At the plane there was a 12 years old travelling on her own by my side and when the food/drinks were served she managed to drop the orange juice, and guess where it felt???????????? Right on my new baby. I wanted to cry but there was no time, so I just ran to the toillet to clean it up, thank God it worked perfectly
Oh gosh i could imagine your panic. I have a complete Hermes horror story. I bought a Hermes B30 ostrich in orange GHW. My friend invited me to a Dior makeup talk so i decided this would be a good time to bring my new B. So as i walk in i place my birkin on the table in front me as i didnt want to leave it on the floor. A waiter walks buy with a tray of champagne knocks me and the whole tray falls in to the Birkin. So my bag was destroyed and stank of booze. I had to sell the bag as i was walking around smelling like i spent the morning drinking..