The BopTalk threads have been brimming with #PurseBopPicks challenges as of late. This week’s theme was “Favorite Bag Trios”. To help you get an edge on the competition, PurseBop provided you with trio inspiration eye candy from IG. As expected, all of you produced amazing pictures throughout the week, and choosing finalists was hard! Feel free to explore all the submissions on the favorite trio thread on BopTalk.
Without further ado, I proudly announce this week's challenge finalists...






Stay tuned for the winner announcement this Sunday. You know PurseBop always has special surprises up her sleeve!
In the meantime, join the many conversations on BopTalk!
Still in the challenge mood? Peek at our previous #purseboppicks challenges:
What’s in My Bag #PurseBopPicks Challenge
Summer Brights #PurseBopPicks Challenge
#PurseBopsBirkinWeek Challenge
Pet Themed Challenge #WeLoveKokomo for @LeOrangeBliss
Love PurseBop
Updated: May 29th, 2021