As we grow, so too do our handbag collections. For us devoted handbag lovers out there, our collections provide snapshots of who we are and our personal style at any given moment. It’s for this reason that the evolution of a collector has always fascinated us at PurseBop. Our bags, in a sense, tell a story about our lives. They are both deeply personal and connected to our place in a broader handbag community.
While we love telling others’ stories (read: Where are you in the Evolution of a Handbag Collector?), we also want to share with you chapters of our own experiences. And we have a feeling one person’s personal journey will be of particular interest: PurseBop herself. Those who know her well recognize PurseBop’s journey down the “orange brick road” as the classic evolution, albeit with a few twists and turns along the way. We’re excited to lay it all out for you for the first time.

To call PurseBop a lifelong purse lover is the understatement of the century. As a child, a matching bag was de riguer… (and not just for her—for her dolls as well!).
When PurseBop first began this site, her heart was invested in Chanel. Not just any Chanel either: the purse had to be special—whether by color, texture, vintage or size. Unlike many Coco devotees, her first (and latest) trips in double CC land were not Classic black Flaps. To this day, her only black flaps are the original and rare so-black bag and a puffy mink one. But show her a minaudière—bonus points for sparkles!—or a translucent boy and she’s all in. Chanel remains her nighttime go-to accessory.


PurseBop’s move to the realm of Hermès, particularly for day bags, began about five years ago at the urging of many friends and following extensive research on the history, lore and legend of the brand. Oh how long ago does it seem that, appropriately enough, her first Hermes bag was an Orange B35. Once again, she began with color, rather than the typical initiation with black, gold or etoupe. For PurseBop, Hermès was a whirlwind of colors and leathers—each mesmerizing in its own way.

PurseBop’s first Birkin. @PurseBop
More colors followed, as did an expansion to shrinking Birkin sizes from 35…to 30…to 25, as well as Kelly models and a Constance. As she learned more and her collection increased in size, her leather options grew to include Togo, Swift, Epsom, Hydra and Box.
Next came her first special order and membership in the infamous Horseshoe Club. (Read: Hermes Special Orders: The Exclusive Horseshoe Club). She thought she had reached the pinnacle of her collection until…




PurseBop’s beloved SO. @pursebop
BARENIA® hit her radar. The original saddle leather. (Read: Aging Gracefully with Hermès BARENIA® Leather) She was smitten. She felt as though she must have been an equestrian in a former life…

One special leather led to another, and her spring trip to Paris had her on the hunt yet again. She wasn’t subtle about wanting ostrich and still didn’t get it… but she did score her Rose Lipstick Tadelakt K28 stunner. (Read: Part III: A Tale of Two More Hermès Kellys)



Then this summer, at long last, a bird flew into the nest for her birthday. (Read: Hermès Reveal: A Little Birdie Flew In For the Birthday) Finally adding that coveted exotic to her H collection, PurseBop reached the new pinnacle of her collection.
What will the next few steps of PurseBop’s story have in store…? Only time—and some exciting reveals—will tell.

We hope you enjoyed this snapshot into PurseBop’s collection. Which of PurseBop’s beloved beauties is your favorite? We love sharing these details with you—in turn, tell us about some of the staple bags that make up key stages in your own handbag evolution!
Read related articles:
Where are you in the Evolution of a Handbag Collector?
A Guide To Choosing Your First Luxury Bag
5 Facts You Didn’t Know About Hermès Special Orders
Aging Gracefully with Hermès BARENIA® Leather
Hermès Reveal: A Little Birdie Flew In For the Birthday
Love, PurseBop
Updated: September 2nd, 2018