Search result for : men with bags

Chanel and Louis Vuitton Named Top Brands on Social Media

April 20, 2017
According to WWD, the top brands on social media are Chanel and Louis Vuitton in the period from January 2017 to April 2017. Learn how this is gauged.

First Glimpses of the Chanel Gabrielle Bag

April 13, 2017
The hottest bag of the moment! See real life comparison pictures of the Chanel Gabrielle Bag

The Hermes Mini Bag Craze

April 8, 2017
PurseBop has been pondering: "Why has there been a surge in popularity for Hermes mini bags lately?" Find out all the answers along with price details!

Exclusive Interview With Hermès Collector Jamie Chua

April 1, 2017
An exclusive Interview with Instagram queen Jamie Chua. Jamie shares her fashion inspirations and the history behind her impressive Hermès collections.

The Best Things Come in Small Packages

March 30, 2017
Delightful story of a new mom sharing her Hermes gift, a special push present... a perfect mini sized Birkin 25.

More Birkins Means Higher Earnings?

March 27, 2017
We explore Hermes earnings and strategy in light of the current global economy. What do these shifts mean for the Hermes collector versus the company?

New at Chanel: The Chanel Gabrielle Bag

March 21, 2017
The Chanel Gabrielle Bag is Chanel's first big bag in over three seasons. Does the Gabrielle have what it takes to become Chanel's latest "it" bag?

Color Snob

March 19, 2017
Explore handbag colors and what each one signifies. What color we choose is a form of non-verbal communication and can change how people perceive you.

Total Eclipse of Luxury

March 13, 2017
What is luxury today? Discussion of the fast paced changes in the luxury market. The doom of luxury as we once understood it to be.

Part 6: PurseBop’s Special Order Birkin Reveal

March 5, 2017
PurseBop reveals her Special Order Birkin in this final chapter of a 6 part SO series. Article includes many closeup pictures the conclusion of the story.

This or That: “It” Bag Showdown

March 4, 2017
It's quiz time! Out of the major "it" bags, tell us which you would prefer...THIS or THAT!

Five Patriotic Purses For Protest

March 3, 2017
What handbag will you take to your next protest? Maura Carlin outlines five perfect options for your next activism march.

Part Five: Mr. PurseBop Measures Up!

February 25, 2017
Mr. PurseBop gets his blogpost and own Hermes Special Order! Couples that Special Order together stay together! Details of the mens custom order process.

Part Four: Couples That Special Order Together Stay Together

February 23, 2017
Pursebop continues the reveal of her Hermès Special Order handbag in this lively detailed step by step narrative. Part four of the Special Order series.

Part Three: PurseBop Gets The Call

February 19, 2017
PurseBop shares her Special Order story first hand in an extensive step by step narrative. Part three of PurseBop's Special Order series.

Is Hermes Still Playing Hard To Get?

February 17, 2017
We are forced to take a close look at the shift in Hermes strategy that luxury analyst, Luca Solca claims in his recent Business of Fashion article.

Hermes Special Orders: The Exclusive Horseshoe Club

February 11, 2017
PurseBop gives you an in depth report on the exclusive Hermes Special Orders. Report includes testimonials and pictures from leading Hermes afcianados.

Is That Birkin Real? eBay Launches Authentication Program

February 8, 2017
eBay is launching a program called eBay Authenticate which is intended to provide an additional level of security and trust for high-dollar transactions.

PurseBop Storytime: Worst Thing That’s Ever Happened to Your Bag

February 4, 2017
PurseBop prompts you to share the "Worst Thing That’s Ever Happened to Your Bag". Pursebop kicks off story telling time with her own personal bag nightmare.

Fendi’s New “It” Bag: The Fendi Kan I

January 31, 2017
Can the new Fendi Kan I bag take reign over the Peekaboo as Fendi's "it" bag?

The Journey of an Avid Hermes Collector

January 29, 2017
Prepare yourself to see one of the most incredible Hermes collections of all time! Fashionista Kiran Chhabria (@howshespendsit) shares her handbag journey.

Hermes Bag Size Encyclopedia

January 28, 2017
HERMES SIZE ENCYCLOPEDIA: Get information about Hermes Bag Sizes in one convenient place!

Luxury Retail Between a Rock and a Hard Place

January 26, 2017
Can luxury brands evolve and keep pace with the digital world?

To Gold or Silver… That is the Question?

January 21, 2017
BopTalk Celebrity @kugzz shares her philosophy on silver versus gold hardware. Find out if you're on "Team Glam" or "Team Lux" or "Team Glam Lux".

15 Chic Totes That are Perfect For Travel

January 18, 2017
Navigate through the stresses of travel with the perfect tote bag! Check out all of PurseBop's designer recommendations.

Hermes Increases Prices 2017

January 14, 2017
Close look at Hermes price increases in the UK and Europe 2017. We examine the comparative handbag math for the Birkin 35 in both zones.

Celebrity Style: The Exotic Hermes Birkin Club

January 10, 2017
An exotic Hermes Birkin is often considered the ultimate holy grail bag due to its price and exclusivity. Which celebs are a part of the exotic H club?

Hermes Winter Sale

January 4, 2017
Detailed coverage of the Hermes Sale in Paris. First hand advice from PurseBop on 'what to do' to maximize your experience.

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