Department stores may just be some handbag brands' worst enemy. In our latest financial piece, learn why handbag sales are suffering for certain brands.
PurseBop takes you on an exclusive HANDBAG HUNT for the perfect neutral. A close look at neutrals from various brands including Hermes F/W 2016 colors.
Hermes and Chanel rule the bag world. Can you pick and choose between their iconic bags? Tell us your preferences in the Hermes vs. Chanel Faceoff Quiz.
PurseBop reports the full analysis of your bag preferences from the Bag Attitude Quiz. Peek at the results to see how you compare to other fashionistas.
A disturbing series of crimes have just taken place in the luxury world. Catch up on the latest events and find out why "handbag crime" is truly an issue.
The Hermes Birkin Bag continues to be a big sensation! Read about the new record-breaking Birkin sale and other ways the Hermes B has gained attention.
Even if you're already familiar with the Givenchy Antigona, take a look at our extensive reference guide! See why the Antigona continues to be so successful and get all the details on features, prices, and styles.
Get schooled in Hermes Birkin vs. Kelly 101! Read our most extensive reference guide to date with features, history, prices, comparisons, and eye candy.
The consumer consensus seems to be "enough is enough". See how the internet and social media has caused brand fatigue and weak sales for handbag companies.
PurseBop keeps you up-to-date with the latest happenings in the Hermes world with another Hermes News Bulletin. Discover new bags, pricing information, and other trends.
We explore and compare the prices of luxury brands Chanel and Hermes in France versus the US in the continuing #pursebopsinFRANCE shopping adventure series.