PurseBop has recently added the crown jewel of all pinks to her collection with a mini Birkin 25 – the “Koohinor Diamond”. Now, the pink obsession has kicked back into full gear. First, it started with the Chanel Fuchsia Frenzy and the Fuchsia Trifecta. With a new perfect Hermes pink in my closet, I can’t help but celebrate all things pink again!
Let the celebration begin by hashtagging your pictures on instagram to #PurseBopsPinkWeek. Your pictures will be featured on @purseboppicks and @boptalk.
We want to see your pink bags of all shade and from every brand, so join the fun! Scroll through the pictures below to get in the pink mood:




















Are you tickled pink yet?!
Remember to hashtag your pictures to #PurseBopsPinkWeek to be featured on @purseboppicks and @boptalk
Love PurseBop
Updated: May 18th, 2017